The White Cottage Mystery

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Book: The White Cottage Mystery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Margery Allingham
‘I sit out there sometimes of an afternoon. Two days ago I was there sewing. About four o’clock it was, and I saw him that’s dead coming across the lawn with the gun under his arm like as if he’d just come in from the woods. He didn’t see me, though,’ she went on, smiling sourly to herself; ‘his mind was on the dining-room, and he passed right under me without knowing. Mr Roger was in the room,’ she went on. ‘Mr Christensen that is – I always call him Mr Roger – and I heard him that’s dead speak to him. “Hallo, you,” he said, and added on a word I’m not repeatin’ to you or anyone – suggesting that
was unfaithful to him, as it did.’ She paused.
    â€˜Go on. What did Mr Roger say?’
    Old Estah hesitated.
    â€˜I’m only telling you because I believe you’re acting for the good,’ she said at last. ‘I haven’t told a word of this to another soul.’
    â€˜That’s right,’ said the detective encouragingly. ‘You can trust us.’
    â€˜Mr Roger, he turned on him,’ the old woman continued. ‘Told him he ought to be ashamed of himself. Then him that’s dead began to laugh – a terrible laugh he had – there’s only one word for it, and that’s gloating – gloating – as if he was enjoying himself. Then he said – and I heard him upon my balcony as plainly as if I’d been in there with him – “You hate me,don’t you, Christensen? And you’re afraid of me too, aren’t you?”’
    Silence had fallen upon the room as the old woman spoke, and her harsh voice sounded dramatic in the stillness.
    â€˜Mr Roger didn’t reply to that,’ she went on. ‘And then him that’s dead fell a-laughing and cursing again. “You coward!” he said, and put a word in that I’m leaving out. “If you had any spirit in you at all you’d kill me; but you daren’t – you’re afraid. Kill me, Christensen – I deserve it from you … Kill me, you snivelling funk.”’
    She paused suddenly and instinctively lowered her voice.
    â€˜He went on taunting him, and then I heard him say quite sudden and distinctly, “Here’s my gun – it’s loaded. One shot of that would finish me. Take it, Christensen. Take it and fire at me. You’re afraid. I know you’d never dare to shoot – but you’d like to. God! How you’d like to, Christensen! You’d have her all to yourself then. You won’t take the gun? I knew you wouldn’t – but I’ll leave it here in the corner – it’s loaded, so any time, remember – any time, you little coward – it’ll always be there.” And then he came out on to the lawn again, and I could see him laughing to hisself as he went off down the path.’
    As her voice died away Estah looked at them anxiously.
    â€˜That’s how the gun came there,’ she said. ‘I hope I ha’n’t done wrong to tell you.’
    â€˜You’ve done the wisest thing you could do,’ said W.T. gently. ‘The truth always leaks out eventually, you know, and the earlier the better. Where were you when the shot was fired this afternoon – in the nursery?’
    â€˜No, I was in the spare room looking over the linen – go up and see it all pulled out, if you want to. Kathreen was helping me most of the time, but she’d gone down to see about tea when I heard the shot.’
    â€˜Long before?’
    â€˜About five minutes, roughly.’
    â€˜Is the spare room far from the nursery?’
    â€˜It’s over this room – some way away.’
    W.T. nodded.
    â€˜Thank you,’ he said. ‘That is all. You might ask Mr Christensen to step in here for a moment, will you? Thank you.’
    As the door closed behind her Jerry smiled. ‘There goes an innocent old woman,
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