In Your Arms

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Book: In Your Arms Read Online Free PDF
Author: Becky Andrews
have English next with—”
    “Mrs. Minor, right?” Michael confirmed.
    “Yeah, in room 112.” As Sam and Alex led Michael to their next class, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her friend actually liking this guy. Yeah, he was cute, but he was also book smart. Alex didn’t go too much for the smart guys.
    Thinking about Alex and Michael together made her mind wander to Phillip. He had helped her sneak into class with their shared moment through the secret doorway, held her hand, and winked at her. Those three things normally would have made her ecstatic, but the more Sam thought about it, the more it made her question his real reason for helping her. Why had he suddenly started talking to her? Why hadn’t he talked to her in the past? They were friends before he entered high school.
    Sam had always thought Phillip was just too cool to talk to her since he was a year older, and she’d had to stay behind in middle school. But then, when she’d become a freshman, he’d started dating Tracy, who was a freshman too.
    Now she had to wonder if this was some cruel joke he was playing on her? Had he been put up to this by his cronies, or by Tracy, to humiliate her in front of the whole school? She'd heard about it happening to others, but that wasn’t going to happen to her. She was far too smart to be taken in by gorgeous blue eyes, wasn’t she?
    Trying to make up her mind, she walked into English class with her head held high and Alex and Michael at her side. Sam took her usual seat, in the back row. Michael and Alex sat down next to her and waited for Mrs. Minor to enter the classroom.
    Just then, Phillip and Tracy walked up to the back door of the class, which was just a few feet from Sam, and she couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.
    “Phil, I could’ve sworn you were running away from me yesterday afternoon, after school,” Tracy said sweetly.
    “Of course not, Trace,” Phillip replied, sounding annoyed. “I was just meeting up with one of the guys, you know.”
    “Well, why weren’t you here to greet me this morning? Why were you late? You know I always wait by my locker.”
    “I was just late, okay? You saw me there this morning, talking to Mr. Stevens,” Phillip said.
    “I know. And that freak, Sam, made use of your distraction.”
    “She’s not a freak, Trace,” Phillip said. “Now that you’re at your next class, I really have to get to mine, before I’m late again.”
    “All right, but one thing before you go,” Tracy said, leaning toward him. “A kiss goodbye.”
    Phillip’s eyes suddenly met Sam’s and she could have sworn he hesitated, looking embarrassed, perhaps even angry, as Tracy planted a huge kiss on his lips. He stepped quickly away and Tracy gave Sam a smug look as she hurried into class and shut the door behind her.
    Sam didn’t have time to react to what she had just witnessed—nothing unusual, but still something that made her stomach lurch—because Mrs. Minor chose that moment to enter the classroom.
    “Good morning, class,” Mrs. Minor said, bright and cheerful. “I trust you all did the homework last night. If you wouldn’t mind passing it to the front of the class, I’ll collect it then pass out the pop quiz.”
    Her students groaned as they took quick last-minute glances at their homework.
    “Mrs. Minor?” Sam raised her hand.
    “Yes, Sam.”
    “We have a new student in class today, Michael Richman.”
    “Ah, yes. I remember getting the memo. Welcome to my English class, Michael. Since you weren’t here in class yesterday, I won’t count this quiz, but I would like for you to take it so I know where you are at.” She finished passing out the quizzes and silently everyone began scribbling, matching the correct poetry term to its definition.
    “All right,” Mrs. Minor said, ten minutes later. “Pencils down. Please pass your quiz to the front of the class and begin reading page 315 in the text. Michael, here is a copy of our
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