I Will Always Love You

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Book: I Will Always Love You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Annette Evans
my sister.” Tears sprang to Melissa’s eyes. She took a tissue from her purse and dabbed at her eyes. “But I love Stefan like I’ve never loved anyone else. I didn’t want to live without him, but my family didn’t care about that.”
    Dr. Foster made another note on her pad with that particular statement. “So what did you end up doing?”
    “I wrote a letter to Stefan and told him that I was not coming back to Germany. I wrote that he needs to forget about me and move on. It broke my heart to send him that letter,” she answered tearfully.
    “Why did you send it?”
    “I sent it because I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint my parents. All I’ve ever wanted was to make them proud that I was their daughter.”
    “So you pushed your own needs and desires aside for the desires and needs of your parents?”
    “Yes,” she whispered. She looked down at her hands lying in her lap and began twisting the tissue around her fingers.
    “And how does that make you feel, Melissa?”
    Melissa crossed and uncrossed her legs as she tried to put all of her emotions into words. “I feel angry and hurt and as if I am all alone.”
    “And those are the feelings that we need to work through,” Dr. Foster stated as she looked at the clock on her desk. “I see that our time is just about up for today. I think that we s hould schedule appointments for twice a week to start out with.”
    Melissa nodded her head. “Okay, Dr. Foster.” She put the tissue back into her purse and turned her attention back to the doctor.
    “I want to give you an assignment to do before our next appointment. Did you happen to keep a journal while you were in Germany?”
    “Yes, I did. But I don’t have it anymore,” Melissa replied unhappily. “But I do have the few letters that Stefan wrote to me.”
    “Good. I want you to go home and re-read those letters and write down any new emotions they invoke in you and bring that to our next appointment.”
    Dr. Foster stood and handed Melissa a card along with a prescription. “We’ll meet in three days at the same time. I also want you to get that prescription for Prozac filled and begin taking it immediately.”
    “Why do I need Prozac? Am I that crazy?”
    “No, Melissa, you are not crazy,” Dr. Foster said gently. “But I do believe that you are clinically depressed. And that medication, along with intense therapy, will help you to work through that depression.”
    “Okay, but my father won’t like this. He thinks that psychiatry is a bunch of bull.”
    Dr. Foster smiled. “Your father can think whatever he wants to think, Melissa. Just as long as you come to every appointment with an open mind and are ready to do some hard work.”
    “I’m ready to work to get better, Dr. Foster.” She stood and gave the psychiatrist a half smile. “At least, I think I am.”
    “Good. Keeping a positive attitude is always helpful. I’ll see you in three days.”
    They shook hands and Dr. Foster watched Melissa walk out of her office before she turned her attention back to Melissa’s file on the desk.
    During the elevator ride down to the lobby, Melissa thought about Dr . Foster and what she said. Hard work , she thought. I’ve had six long years of hard work just trying to hold it together for my family. I’m not really sure if I can do any more.

Chap ter 9
    Later that evening, Melissa was having dinner with her parents and her daughter.
    “Melissa, how was your session with Dr. Foster?” Greta asked.
    Melissa hesitated as she looked at her father. Seeing that he was not going to interrupt, Melissa turned to her mother. “It was fine, Mom. I go back in three days. Dr. Foster said that she wants to see me twice a week for the time being.”
    “Twice a week,” Peter exclaimed. “Why does she want to see you that often?”
    “I guess she thinks that I’m really crazy, Dad.”
    Peter frowned at his daughter. “You don’t need
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