but smile thinking about his years to come. His annoyance with girls will only progress as he gets older, only for a whole different reason.
We say our goodbyes to Finley, who gives both me and Kendal huge hugs and wet kisses. When we get back into the car Kendal huffs.
"Did you have to bring this flashy thing?"
"Why what's wrong?"
"Everyone's staring. Look all the men are looking."
I would like to say that all the men, teachers and parents, are looking at my car. But they're not. I didn't miss the fact that men seem to follow Kendal with their eyes. They always have, but over the years Kendal has blossomed into a beautiful and confidant woman. She oozes sex appeal.
"Come on woman. They're not all looking at the car."
"Oh don't be big headed Mr Rock star."
She rolls her eyes at me. Is she really that oblivious to what she looks like? Especially when she's in her sexy little work uniform. I'd love to take her one day while she's wearing that.
"They weren't looking at me either. Kendal do you not know you're a MILF?"
"MILF. You know. Mother I'd-"
"Yes I know what it means and you can stop."
I see she's blushing. I love making her blush. I wonder if her little pussy still gets red when I've had my way with it for so long?
"I spoke to Finley's teacher. I've added you to his list. So if you want to pick him up, you can."
I'm taken by surprise. She did that? I can pick him up? Take him out?
"Thanks Kendal."
She gives me her sweetest smile.
"It's the least I can do Jax."
"You can stop that now Kendal."
She frowns and looks down at her handbag.
"Stop feeling guilty. It's done now. Forgotten. I'll forget if you will."
"How can you forgive me?"
"Easy. I've missed four years of this. I'm not wasting anymore time. I'm just going to enjoy everything. That means you can stop with those sad eyes and leaving me and Finley alone any chance you get."
She bites down so hard on her lip that I think it's going to bleed.
"Yeah don't think I didn't notice that yesterday."
I tug her bottom lip out from the torture of her tooth with my thumb and kiss it better. When I open my eyes Kendal has hers closed.
"Right lets get you to work."
Chapter 4
I can't believe Jax is driving me to work. As soon as he pulls up outside work the girls will all be gawping.
"I was thinking, is it OK to buy something for Finley?"
I look to Jax and he's staring out at the road while he's driving. I take advantage of taking in the male beauty next to me.
"Jax you can do anything you want but you don't have to buy him stuff. Save your money and wait until his birthday."
Jax laughs a little and I realize what I've just said. Stupid Kendal. Jax isn't worried about spending too much money. I'm a fucking idiot.
"I want to surprise him when he gets back from school."
That seems sweet enough. I can't tell the man no. Even if I did he would just do it anyway.
"You don't have to ask my permission Jax. Finley is your son too."
He gives me the sexiest smile and I'm glad I'm sat down because it's one of those smiles that makes your legs wobble. How dare he flash me his sexy smile. He knows what that does to me, well he used to.
When he pulls up outside my work he runs around and opens my door. He holds my hand as I get out which makes me giggle and I hear the click of a camera. Jax turns around and sure enough there's three chubby guys with cameras.
"Come on lets get you inside."
Jax holds my hand as we quickly walk into the salon. When we walk in it's dead quiet which is unusual. I know it's because Jax is here. He ignores the silence and grabs my face with his hands and leans in for a kiss.
"Tonight we need to talk."
"We do?"
"I need to tell you what I told my media manager about you for the press. We also need to think about Finley."
I agree, what he said this morning about him being in pictures worried me.
He gives me that sexy smile again and I prepare my legs. He gives me another quick kiss and walks