the bedroom after dressing, Stephen had stood sipping his coffee, staring out the window but not seeing the view beyond. Instead he stood pondering what he should say to her before she left. His emotions were running deep, raw, and somehow he wanted her to know how deeply she had touched him.
The simple and blunt straight forward truth was Stephen’s normal mode of communications. It wasn’t just the sex, and the indescribable physical enjoyment that they had shared, which had affected him so deeply. The connection they made had touched him in a way he hadn’t seen coming. Kelly was everything that he had ever dreamed of finding packaged in one beautiful person. There would be no getting over her should she choose not to return to him in two weeks. And putting that thought aside, he wasn’t even sure that he was going to make it two weeks without her.
Shaking his head and laughing out loud Stephen wondered when it was that he become so melodramatic! After showering and getting dressed he wandered aimlessly around the small foot print of his cabin. Everywhere he looked he saw her. Every room in his cabin had her smell. Despite the shower, he could still feel her on his skin. It was time for a hike; some good physical exercise.
It was Sunday. On Sunday, some people watched football, others went to church. Stephen went for hikes. Being in the woods, climbing the hills, ducking into the valleys, and discovering everything that the Alaskan wilderness had to offer was his church. After all, how much closer to God could one person get?
After pulling on his hiking boots he grabbed a light jacket that he would no doubt remove after an incline or two, and headed out. This was his exercise for mind and body, a way to clear his head, and the way his head was reeling today he would probably be taking a very long hike.
He quickly lost track of time as his legs worked the often times rough terrain. He had several different trails on his property, but they weren’t exactly well groomed trails. Some of them could only be followed by sighting a specific landmark or tree, and most were identifiable only by Stephen.
Thoughts of Kelly were unstoppable. The feel of her skin, her lips, her mouth, the taste of her, the look in those beautiful eyes when he brought her to a climax. He couldn’t forget about how his skin burned hot when she touched him.
If he thought that getting out of the cabin that they had so intimately shared the last twelve hours would help him to clear his mind he had been dead wrong. He had to get a grip. She had a son and her son deserved her time as much as he did, more so if he was forced to admit it.
Stephen’s mind escaped the agony of the present by travelling back into his painful past. It was many years ago but he had come close once to having a family too. So close, and then it was gone. He had lost it all. After that, casual dating was never any good for him. There had been plenty of offers over the years, and plenty of attempts to kill the pain with mind numbing sex. But his heart and soul still longed for the family that he had once lost his chance to have.
At some point he would have to come clean with Kelly. For him, dating wasn’t an option. He wanted more, much more, and he was already quite certain that she was the one he wanted it with. There was no sense trying to pretend he was ok with something less.
His stomach began to complain loudly which reminded Stephen that he still had to make a run to the market in Hanlon, for food, but mostly for more beer. He would kill the loneliness tonight with beer. Returning to the cabin he retrieved his truck keys, fired it up and headed for town.
Chapter 5
Back at her house Kelly was greeted at the door by her chocolate lab, Max. “You poor boy, you think mommy deserted you!” She could tell by the food bowls that her neighbor’s eight year old