Run To Earth (Power of Four)

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Book: Run To Earth (Power of Four) Read Online Free PDF
Author: S Mazhar
small with just one bed, a single dresser pushed into the far corner, a chair perched next to the window, and a door leading to a tiny cubicle of an en suite. The first thing Kate did after locking the door was draw the curtains. Sam and Rose were told to sit down so they perched at the very edge of the bed. Aaron sat down in the chair, his gaze following his mother’s irregular pacing. She was mumbling something under her breath, eyes closed, hands clutching at her stomach and sometimes at her chest.
    “Mrs Adams?” Rose bravely raised her voice. “Shouldn’t...shouldn’t we do something? Call the police or...” She trailed off. The police were already there; Christopher Adams and Michael Williams were police officers.
    Kate ignored her, keeping up her nervous pacing with her head dropped and lips mumbling quiet prayers.
    “Will you tell us what’s going on?” Sam asked, a lot calmer this time, but anger still underlined his words.
    Kate shook her head. “Just wait,” she said. “Wait until Chris and Mike come with your parents. Then we’ll talk.”
    “How will they know where we are?” Rose asked.
    “They know,” she said softly. “They’ll come.”
    Aaron didn’t know how long he sat there staring at his mum. She seemed determined to wear the floor thin, walking up and down the length of the room. Suddenly she came to a standstill. Her eyes opened. She turned and darted to the door. Aaron rose to his feet, his heart twisting in his chest.
    Kate’s hand was on the handle before the knock even happened. She pulled the door open with great haste to see both Chris and Michael. She threw herself into her exhausted husband’s arms. Chris looked over at Aaron with tired, bloodshot eyes. Aaron was staring at his dad too, taking in the sight of his injuries. A faint bruise was visible at his chin. Blood leaked from a cut on his cheek, but that seemed to be the extent of it. Aaron glanced at his uncle to see that he sported a cut just under his jawline but otherwise seemed unhurt. Chris pulled away from his wife and stepped towards Aaron, embracing him with strong arms.
    “Thank God!” he breathed into Aaron’s hair. “You’re okay. Thank God, you’re okay.”
    Sam and Rose got to their feet. They stared expectantly at the door, waiting for their parents to walk in and rush to embrace them in a flurry of tears. But the only one to follow behind Chris was Michael, who closed the door behind him.
    “Mr Adams?” Rose spoke tentatively. “Where’s...where’s my mum and dad?”
    Chris let go of Aaron and walked over to her and Sam, his expression one of tremendous grief. He came to a stop in front of Rose and reached out, cupping her cheek. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
    Aaron’s breath caught in his chest.
    “There was nothing we could do,” Chris said.
    Rose shook her head, brown eyes wide. Beside her, Sam stepped forward, eyes narrowed and fists clenched.
    “You’re lying,” he accused. “You’re lying!”
    “Samuel–” Kate started.
    “NO!” Sam bellowed. “What are you saying? That they’re – they’re... dead ?” The word escaped him with difficulty. “How can they be dead? They can’t die! Why would anyone hurt them?”
    “No.” Rose was shaking her head. Her chest heaved as panic built inside her. “No, no, NO!” she screamed.
    Kate crossed the room and took the girl in her arms, whispering gently to her. Rose struggled at first, but as Kate’s soothing voice reached her, she crumpled in her embrace, sobbing.
    Aaron wanted to go to her. He wanted to help, to offer some gesture of support, but his feet refused to move. It was as if he had lost control over his limbs and so was forced to just stand, staring at his friends as they struggled with their grief.
    “What happened?” Sam asked, the words barely making it past his clenched teeth. “Who were those...those men? Did they...? Were they the ones who...?” He couldn’t finish the sentence but closed his eyes,
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