I Do

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Book: I Do Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melody Carlson
    “How's it going?”
    “I said don't ask.”
    “But I thought you meant-”
    “I meant, don't ask.”
    I nodded. “Okay then.” And so, trying to avoid the Leon subject, I began to tell her about the engagement picnic and how it rained and how I ruined my new shoes, but the whole time I could tell that something was troubling her. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer.
    “Liz,” I began carefully. “You don't have to talk about it, but I know you too well. I know that something's really wrong.”
    She sighed and looked away. “Oh, I don't know…”
    “Is it Leon?” I felt myself getting mad now. “Is he cheating on you, Liz?”
    She frowned, but knowing Liz's history with picking out guys who are total jerks, I knew this was a very real possibility. But she just mutely shook her head.
    “He's not cheating?”
    “Oh.” Now I was at a loss. “But you seem so sad.”
    She sighed again. “Look, Leon is really great, Caitlin. He's good to me. He's thoughtful. He's probably the best boyfriend I've ever had.”
    Now it's hard to respond to something like that. On one hand, I'm relieved that Leon's not another stupid jerk. But on the other hand, I feel as though she's settling for less than God's best for her. But then again it's not like she's even invited God into her life, so she obviously has no idea what He has to offer.
    Really, it can be so frustrating trying to encourage someone in this position. It's like you're telling them about this really great restaurant while you know they have no money and will refuse to accept charity. Just the same, I love Liz too much to say nothing. I mean, I pray for her all the time. And I honestly believe God has a fantastic plan for her life. If she'd only just get it.
    “So, if Leon's so great…what's the problem, Liz?”
    “I think it's me.”
    “Oh.” I watched her as she swirled the last of her coffee around in the bottom of the cup. “Are you cheating on him?” I finally asked what seemed like the obvious next question.
    I felt somewhat relieved that this made her laugh. “No, I'm not cheating. Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
    “Well, it's not as if you've never done anything like that before.”
    “Yeah, you're right. But believe it or not, I've grown up a little since then.”
    I nodded. “I know. So really, what's wrong?”
    “I don't know exactly. It's just that there's something missing. Like maybe Leon's not really the one. Not the way Josh seems to be the one for you anyway.” Now she stared at me, giving me that same narrow-eyed skeptical look that I've grown so familiar with over the past three years. “I'll bet you guys still haven't even slept together.”
    I laughed. “That's a bet you could make some money on. Of course, you might be hard-pressed to get anyone to bet against you.”
    “And I suppose you don't plan on sleeping together until the big white night?”
    “That's right.”
    She shook her head as she let out a cuss word, then quickly apologized. Not that I was shocked. I mean, since I've known her, Liz has always had a mouth on her.
    “It's just that I believe God has led me to live like this, Liz,” I explained for like the hundredth time. “And I'm glad. Really, waiting works for me.”
    “Yeah, yeah. I know the spiel.”
    “Okay, Liz, if you don't think Leon is the one, and it's not working…then why are you still with him?”
    “Convenience, I guess.”
    I nodded as I considered her response. “I suppose it might seem convenient.”
    “What do you mean by that?”
    “Oh, you know. It seems like the easy thing to do, like it doesn't matter one way or the other, like it all works out in the end. But you know as well as anyone that you always have to pay in the end. I mean, either you get hurt, or the guy gets hurt, or you both get hurt. It's always the same, Liz.”
    “I guess.”
    “And what if?” I suddenly thought of something.
    “What if what?”
    “Well, what if there really is a
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