Honey Whiskey (A Bastards MC Novel)
anything to eat yet. I was…” I cleared my throat, searching for
words, “busy before we came out, and we’re going out for breakfast
after we leave here.” I paused while Rob swore and muttered
something sexist about women like me not being able to take care of
themselves. I chuckled and then started to talk over him. “As for
being shitfaced, the last time I checked, you can’t get drunk off
water. I guess we can always check with Fred to make sure that’s
all that’s been in my drinks.”
    “ Wait… what?” Rob stopped short,
shaking his head as if he didn’t believe me. “Watah? You’re tellin’
me you’ve only been drinking watah? Not countin’ all the shots,
right? I think you are forgettin’ that I saw you out there
    I smiled. “Yeah, I kinda figured
that when you came up behind me and started to cuddle.” I couldn’t
help the giggle that escaped. “It’s called having a good time,
silly. You should try it. It’d do you some good. I’m letting loose
and having a good time, yes. But, I am painfully sober.”
    Rocker sat back, his dark eyes traveling all
over my face as if trying to decide if I was lying. “You must be
wicked hungry.” His tongue wet his bottom lip. “I haven’t had
anything either. Is there anywhere near heah where we could
    I nodded without really thinking about it.
“There’s the Little Hole in the Wall down the street. Do you like
Mexican?” I asked, not sure if I wanted him to say no or not. He
    “Let’s go then.” He must have seen
my hesitation because he gave me a toothy smile. “I’ll bring ya
back in one piece.” I looked over his shoulder, trying to see where
my friends were dancing. They didn’t seem to miss me, all having a
good time swaying with each other on the floor. I shrugged and then
nodded. Why not? Rob stood suddenly, reaching out and pulling me to
my feet. “I’ve gotta tell the boys, then we’ll go.”
    The boys? I took a deep breath. I didn’t know
which ones were here, but I was pretty sure that I wasn’t up to
facing any of them. Most of Matty’s friends hadn’t liked me to
begin with, and after the way things ended, I was positive they
hated me. I tugged back on Rocker’s hand. “I’ll stay here and wait
for you.”
    Rob turned back to me, his dark
thick eyebrows raised in silent question. “The hell you will!” he
growled, tightening his hold on my wrist as if I was going to run
away and dragging me behind him towards the bar.
    “ Wait!” I tried to pull my hand
away again. “I need to tell my friends that I’m
    Rocker stopped suddenly, turning.
“Friends?” he sneered. “They never once came over to check on you,
to make sure you were ok with me. Those aren’t friends.” He turned
back just as abruptly and pulled me to the bar.
    Hawk shook his head when he saw me
trailing behind Rob, but did offer a smile and said hello. He
didn’t hide the look of shock on his face when Rocker told him we
would be back before closing. Even though I couldn’t hear the words
he whispered to Rob, I was positive he was pissed at the idea.
Within seconds, though, we were outside in the cold early spring
air, and Rocker was pulling me through the parking lot, stopping
suddenly at a giant black Ford.
    “ This is your truck?”
    He only offered me a nod as he unlocked the
front door, pulling it open for me. I eyed the tall step, wondering
if I could make it up in the dangerously high heels and tight jeans
Teagan had convinced me to wear with them. I must have hesitated a
second too long because Rocker’s hands grabbed my hips and he
lifted me up as if I didn’t weigh a quarter of what I
    “ Yeah, it’s mine.” He shrugged as
he turned. “Big Little Man Syndrome,” he offered as he shut the
door. I contemplated his words as he walked around the front of the
obtrusive vehicle. Little Man Syndrome, or Napoleon Syndrome, I
knew, but Big Little Man Syndrome was lost on me. I reached
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