Honey Whiskey (A Bastards MC Novel)
answering. I dug into my enchilada quickly, almost moaning at the
taste. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. If Rocker heard me, he
didn’t say anything. But, then, he was too busy shoveling his food
into his mouth to notice much of anything. We ate in comfortable
    It wasn’t long before Rocker sat
back and smiled. “You were right. Best Mexican evah.” He finished
off his soda and then met my eyes. “So, you gonna tell me this big
thing you’re celebrating?”
    “I decided I didn’t want to be a
caseworker anymore, that I needed something more me. So, I applied
to and surprisingly got accepted into grad school. But, I had to
take some undergrad refresher courses this semester, just to be
prepared next fall.” Rocker looked disappointed, as if he thought
my life change was going to be much more interesting. I swallowed
my smile. “I talked to Will and he was on board. He thought I
should focus on the kids and school, not work. So, I quit my job.”
I nodded as he frowned. “I’m actually going down to your neck of
the woods tomorrow to look at apartments. I’d like to start moving
no later than Monday because commuting all the time sucks, and I
need to find a part-time job.”
    “ My neck of the woods?” I nodded.
“Why?” His brows knit together. “Joey, where in the hell aah you
goin’ to school?”
    “ Boston College. They have the
best psych grad program around.” I smiled at the blank look on his
face. “Yes, Rocker. I’m moving to Boston.”
    “Holy shit.” He dragged out the
words in complete surprise. “Faack, Joey.” Then the surprise turned
to a look I couldn’t read. “You haveta tell Matty.”

Chapter 4
    I wasn’t sure how long we’d sat in
front of Hooligan’s Pub, but the silence made it feel like hours. I
didn’t know what to say to him, but since he’d left the truck
running, the heater on, and hadn’t attempted to leave, I could tell
he didn’t want me to head back into the bar yet. I was more than
happy to sit there in the quiet, avoiding life for a few more
    Rocker was right. I did have to
tell Matty, because I didn’t want him to find out from someone
else. Things with Matty were still so screwed up, and I knew I
couldn’t just pick up the phone and tell him I was moving to the
one city he wanted me to stay away from. But, if he found out from
anyone other than me that I had quit my job, the job he valued, and
that I was moving to a city he thought was dangerous, he’d be
furious. No matter how he found out, I knew Matty was going to be
livid and wonder why I hadn’t told him before now, and why I had
kept it a secret for so long. Especially when I was so adamant that
we should tell each other everything.
    I looked at Rocker. He was staring
straight ahead at the building, his triangular face covered in
shadows, thick fingers tapping a soundless beat on the steering
wheel as if trying to work out some giant puzzle, and I knew that
he was thinking about his best friend. Rob was more loyal than
anyone I’d ever met and fear hit me suddenly. “Please don’t tell
him before I can.” The words were a whispered plea.
    He didn’t look at me, but I could
see his bright white teeth working his bottom lip, as if he was
lost in deep thought. He shook his head. “I’m not telling him shit,
Joey! Not my business.” He snapped his head towards me then. “You
drivin’ down or takin’ the train?”
    I started. That was the last thing
I expected him to ask. “Train. I’m staying with a friend tonight,
and she’s dropping me off in the morning. Cris is meting me down at
the station.”
    “ Where aah you lookin’ for
    I shook my head. I actually didn’t
know. “Cris set them up. I guess one of her friends is a realtor,
and since I’m just looking to sublet for a while, she offered to
help. My budget is pretty small compared to what some people want
for rent, so we’ll see.” I sighed. “I also need to find a job, so
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