Honey Whiskey (A Bastards MC Novel)
and opened his door, not sure if I wanted to know what he
    He laughed at my look as he slid
into the driver’s seat. Raising a single eyebrow, he held up his
half-bent pinky finger. “Ya know, the luck o’ the Irish?” His voice
took on a Celtic accent that was spot on. I just wasn’t getting it.
What did the luck of the Irish have to do with anything? I was
about to ask when he burst out laughing. “Jesus, Joey, you fuckin’
kill me!” He cleared his throat and tipped his head. “I guess you
would say that I’m over compinsatin’ for life’s short
    Holy shit! As realization hit me,
I could feel my face flame and I started to giggle. Leaning my head
back, I stared at the ceiling, letting the laughs subside. “But
what does that have to do with the luck of the Irish? Wouldn’t
life’s, um…” I cleared my throat, “short comings be bad luck, not
    Rocker didn’t just laugh at me
that time, he tipped his head back and howled. I didn’t want to
join him, but it was too hard not to. When he finally got control,
he wiped his eyes and looked at me with a smirk. “Lil’ Kangaroo,
the Irish have the worst luck of any people ever. When someone says
they have the luck of the Irish, it means they’re anything but
lucky. I’m Irish to the core, third generation American, but as
Irish as they come. Matty likes to tell people I drive a big truck
to make up for the fact that I have a little dick.” He shrugged.
“Big Little Man Syndrome.” He turned to look at me, smiling. “So,
where is this place?”
    My face flamed red, and I was
relieved he couldn’t see me. I gave him directions as he turned the
key and the beast of a truck roared to life. A few minutes later,
he pulled into the tiny parking lot. “Little Hole in the Wall?” he
asked, reading the hand painted sign on the side of the building.
“I thought you were telling me that this place was just a crappy
little restaurant, a dump. Not that it was the actual
    I smiled as I opened my door. “It looks
sketchy, but it’s the best Mexican food around.”
    The tiny, dimly lit restaurant was
almost empty. The only other patrons were a young couple huddled
together at the corner table. We ordered, Rob refusing to let me
pay, and then sat by the window to wait for our food. I was about
to ask him how he’d been over the last few months when he broke the
    “ What in the hell are you doing,
    I stopped trying to fold the napkin into
different shapes and glanced up, the look on his face confusing me.
    He scowled, looking away. “With
your life, Lil’ Kangaroo. Why in the hell are you dressed like
that? Why are you out with people like that?” He nodded his head
towards the window. He didn’t say, ‘instead of with Matty’ but he
didn’t have to. I knew exactly what he meant. “He’s fuckin’
miserable, you know that, right?” His voice dropped like he didn’t
want to say the last few words.
    There was no reason to lie. “I was
saying goodbye.” Confusion crossed his features. “I’ve made some
seriously screwed up decisions over the last few months, Matty
included,” Rocker nodded his agreement eagerly, and I narrowed my
eyes at him, “and I needed to start over.” I paused, trying to
figure out how to explain it. “One morning, after the divorce was
final, I was lying in bed feeling sorry for myself. I had gone from
having everything to practically nothing in a matter of weeks.
Hell, I don’t even have my own apartment. When I’m not with the
kids I stay with a friend. I only have my kids two weeks out of the
month, so for the other two weeks the only thing that kept me going
was a job I dreaded going to.” I took a sip of my Coke. “I realized
that morning that this was a chance for me to find myself, to start
over and do things right this time. So, I did.”
    Rocker leaned forward onto the table. “And
what did you do?”
    The food arrived, saving me
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