Half Life

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Book: Half Life Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Atkinson
feel blessed.  Here I am sat on this stunning beach gazing out at the sea, a beautiful woman beside me.  I feel alive again.
    I don ’ t want this moment to end but half an hour later she ’ s barely awake.  So with the blanket in one hand and the other supporting Kate we walk back to the house.  But she ’ s so depleted she can ’ t make it up the steps so I scoop her up in my arms and carry her the rest of the way.  She nuzzles into my chest and if my heart could beat it would be going ten to the dozen right now.  Her hair smells of coconut and I drink it in.
    I lay her back on the couch and sit beside her, careful not to touch her so she can regain some strength.
    “ Get some sleep Kate.  You ’ ll feel much better, ” I say softly.
    Those lovely wide eyes flicker open and she smiles before they slide shut again.
    “ Thank you Kate, ” I whisper, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead but she doesn ’ t feel it because she ’ s already asleep.
    Feeling alive and happy I settle down in the armchair with a book but I hardly regard the pages because I can ’ t keep my eyes off her.  Oh no, I can ’ t think like this, it can never be.  She needs a man who can give her everything, who can take her out, buy her things, give her children.
    I sigh impatiently and cast the book aside.  The memory of my own life cut so short before it had really begun torments me.  I ’ d never loved Clara, I ’ d married her because my family insisted on it and Kate has made me realise what I ’ ve missed out on.  It ’ s so tragic that I ’ m only really starting to live now that I ’ m dead.
    Kate sleeps three hours before she ’ s rudely woken by a loud banging on the door.  She jumps awake and stares at me.
    “ Nothing to do with me, ” I say.
    “ Kate, open up, ” yells a man ’ s voice.
    “ I don ’ t believe it, ” she gasps.
    “ Who is it? ”
    “ Michael, my ex-fianc é . ”   She looks angry, defiant and a little scared all at once.
    “ Open up Kate, I know you ’ re in there. ”
    She gets up and stares at the door reluctantly.
    “ I wont let him hurt you, ” I tell her determinedly.
    “ I know, ” she replies.
    Her eyes fill with that steel I saw so many times during our feud and she yanks the door open to reveal the man in the photograph, only now he ‘ s very red in the face.  I make myself invisible but remain in the corner of the room, should my assistance be required.
    “ What do you want? ” she demands coolly, one eyebrow arched and I can ’ t help but smile.  Magnificent.
    “ My Stenenstaum, ” he practically snarls.
    “ Bless you. ”
    “ Don ’ t mess about you bitch.  I know you took my sculpture and I want it back.  Now. ”
    “ Why would I take that thing?  It ’ s hideous.  I used to think you only bought it to annoy me. ”
    “ You always did like to make everything about you.  Where is it? ”
    “ I repeat, I haven ’ t got it. ”
    “ I don ’ t believe you. ”
    She shrugs.  “ I don ‘ t care what you believe. ”
    “ If you don ’ t give it back right now I ’ ll call the police and have them take it back. ”
    “ Call whoever you like. ”  
    She tries to shut the door in his face but he sticks his foot in it.  He ’ s a big man and with one shove it flies open and she staggers backwards.  He steps inside and slams the door shut behind him.  Not once does Kate ’ s cool demeanour slip and she folds her arms across her chest rebelliously.
    “ If you don ’ t get out of here right now Michael I ’ ll be the one calling the police. ”
    He looks around approvingly.  “ This is a nice house.  How would you like me to take it from you, like I took everything else? ”
    “ You can ’ t do that. ”
    “ I can.  Give me back my sculpture and I might let you keep it. ”
    She looks furious.  “ Sod off you arrogant prick. ”
    He grabs her by the shoulders, fingers digging into her flesh painfully.  I ’ m filled with fury
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