Gone - Part One

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Book: Gone - Part One Read Online Free PDF
Author: Deborah Bladon
on my face. "As you can see on my resume, I've developed an app just like that but with mine, travelers are able to tell instantly if their insurance will cover their emergency medical situation. They can then easily find a clinic that accepts that insurance based on their current GPS. "
    "It's remarkable," he says under his breath.
    "I also added a feature that I think is invaluable," I begin before I stall to exhale deeply. "The user can program in all their vital health related information including current conditions, prescriptions, and any primary doctors so that if they're incapacitated at any point, the medical personnel helping them will know what they're dealing with."
    "I stare at him waiting for his response. His jaw clenches slightly as he lowers my resume and transcript back onto his desk. "What's really going on here?"
    My hand leaps to my cheek. I know my face is flushed. I can feel the heat coursing through me. "What do you mean?" I volley back with little emotion.
    "Who sent you here?" He tilts his chin towards me.  "You need to tell me right now who the hell sent you here?"
    I close my eyes briefly as I try to absorb the words he just threw at me. "No one sent me here. I'm here because I want a job."
    "You want a job?" he shoots back. "You tried to seduce my brother and now you're telling me you developed that app all by yourself?"
    Wow. Just wow. Asshole alert.
    I push my body forward hoping that the action will give me the courage I need to get through this conversation. "Mr. Parker, what happened with your brother was an unfortunate coincidence. I started talking to him completely by accident. I was actually testing out the mobile dating app that your…"
    "You expect me to believe that you didn't know who Parker was when you sought him out?" he interjects.
    "Sought him out?" I'm on my feet now. "No offense, but your brother isn't really my type."
    "Clearly," he growls the word at me as he pushes himself up to a standing position. "Judging by that envelope you mailed to my place, you're willing to do anything to get my attention. It was obvious I'd come looking for you after I got a glimpse of your body."
    Was that a compliment? Does it matter at this point? "I sent that envelope to your brother for fun."
    "For fun?" he parrots back. "You sent that envelope to my address knowing I would see it. You wrote a letter telling me how you wanted to suck me off."
    "No." I want my voice to sound louder than it does but I can't pull anything from within me. "It's not like that."
    "What's it like?" he sneers. "It's clear from the contents of that envelope that you were hoping to fuck either me or my brother."
    I shake my head so hard that my hair falls into my face. "I wasn't hoping for that. I was only trying to have some fun. It had been a long time since I…" I stop myself. I'm not about to confess that I haven't gotten laid in months.
    "A woman doesn't send a man a detailed," he stops to point his finger in the air at me. "A very detailed letter about sucking his dick if she's not looking for a piece of it."
    I pull my hands to my face trying to cover up the panic I'm feeling. "I didn't think you'd read the letter."
    "You sent a letter to my house about blowing me and you didn’t think I'd read it? I want to know right now who sent you, Lilly. Was it someone from Veriolt? Are you working for Taylor Lungrund? I'm going to find out either way. Make it easier on yourself and just spit it out."
    "I have nothing to spit out." It's a poor choice of words given the current discussion, but I'm going to own it. "I'm being completely honest with you."
    He's a lunatic. I completely understand now why he's often labeled as difficult and offensive in the press. He actually thinks I'm a spy for one of his two biggest competitors. "I don't know what you're talking about. I've been trying to get a job here for years."
    "Bullshit." The word is brutal and direct. "Why haven't I heard about you until now? Explain that to me."
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