Dragon's Kiss

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Book: Dragon's Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tielle St. Clare
Tags: Nc17
cock. He hadn’t fucked her upon waking—too intent on licking her pussy—now, his body felt the deprivation. He wanted her. This was more than a morning erection. He needed to put his cock in this woman, to come inside her. Kei inhaled deeply and willed his thoughts back into his control. He’d been trained as a warrior from childhood. He knew how to live with pain. A little sexual discomfort should be nothing. But that didn’t stop his desire.
    Finally, the woman straightened her back and slowly turned.
    “What in the Dark Hells is going on?” he demanded. He didn’t have the time or patience for courtesy. Something was very wrong. Whoever had been at the door had known he was here but she hadn’t let him in.
    He ignored the fact that he was naked and his cock was so hard he was ready to drive nails into stone and drew himself to his full height. The woman seemed to recognize the change and dropped into a low curtsy.
    “Your Majesty,” she whispered.
    Tielle St. Clare
    Dragon’s Kiss
    Kei almost smiled. It was ludicrous. He was naked. He’d just been licking her cunt, and now she bowed before him with the elegance of a Peer. He stayed away from women of the Peer Class. They wanted too much. By the Gods, had he somehow gotten drunk and ended up married to the wench? He intended to marry eventually, but he’d hoped to be sober at the event.
    She stayed in the low curtsy, her head bowed, waiting for his release.
    “Arise,” he commanded. She straightened and raised her eyes. Kei was stunned by what he saw there—this was no humble servant. She was staring at him with barely disguised disdain, even some irritation. And maybe a trace of fear. Hells, what had he done to deserve that?
    “May I get you something to wear?” she offered. Her eyes remained locked on his face.
    “I’d prefer a few answers first.”
    “Then may I request that you cover yourself?” She paused as if realizing how demanding she’d sounded. “If it please Your Majesty.” She said the right words but they were clearly wrenched from her as an obligation.
    “I’m comfortable as I am,” he replied, just to be perverse. He widened his stance and propped his hands on his hips so there was no implication that he was hiding. Red tinged her cheeks giving her a delightfully innocent look. She could still blush?
    Unusual. “Who are you?”
    “I’m Lorran, Your Majesty. You’re in my cabin, outside of Memph.”
    Kei took the information and tried to remember arriving. There was nothing. His last memory was entering the dragon’s lair. He’d yelled to Riker to be aware and then the world went black—and red. Red filled with pain, blood and burning.
    “What’s happened? Why am I here?”
    The woman took a deep breath and Kei found himself momentarily distracted by the rise and fall of her breasts and the bare skin beneath her gown. He’d torn the front of her nightgown. He’d tasted those nipples, sucked them into his mouth. The need to do so again pushed him, but he clenched his fists and held steady. So, he was attracted to her—that wouldn’t stop him from finding out the truth.
    “You and your brother went after Effron.”
    “I remember that.”
    She took another deep breath as if preparing to give bad news. The hair along his neck stood up.
    “Is Riker hurt?” Kei stalked forward and grabbed the woman by her upper arms.
    “Oh, no. He’s fine,” she quickly assured him.
    “Well?” He gave her a slight shake, his already stretched patience ready to snap. She pressed her lips together then nodded. “The dragon attacked. He bit you.”
    He released her and stepped back. The center of his stomach fell away. “No.” He rejected the idea as he had the Demons of the Dark Hells. “No,” he repeated. All his dreams for the Kingdom evaporated in the steady gaze from Lorran’s brown eyes. She didn’t flinch under his fierce stare. How did this happen? As soon as the question came to mind, he realized it no longer
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