Golden Son
becausehethoughtithurtthefishtoomuch.Thoughtitwascruel.That’stheboyyourmasterhadyou kill. That is the measure of his cruelty. So how grand do you feel? How brave do you fashion yourself?”
    branchesoffthetreesandtossthemtotheirkin.Theyhaverazors,butapparently,theywanttotake theirtime.
    I am protected by the Compact. This will be murder. The Olympic Knights will hunt you. Try you.
    “Today, you are protected by Augustus,” Karnus says. “His chosen boy. To kill you would mean war.Butnoonegoestowaroveralittlebeating.”
    Cagneyfavorsherleftleg.Kneeinjury.Acousinofhersleansonhisheels.Frightenedofme.The bigone,Karnus,squaresup,meaninghedoesn’tgiveapissaboutwhateverdamageIcandeal.Kellan smiles and stands relaxed. I hate those sort of men. Hard to judge. I calculate my chances. Then I remembermybrokenarm,myinjuredribs,andthecontusionovermyeye,andcutthosechancesin half.
    I’m scared. They cannot kill me, I cannot kill them. Not here. Not now. All of us know how this dancewillend.Butdancewedo.
    She goes down. I rush at Karnus, howling like a mad wolf, slipping past his first blow, and rage a flurry of strikes into his nerve centers, driving my elbow into his right bicep, rupturing tissue. He rocksback,andIpressintohim,usinghisbulktoshieldmefromtheothersandtheirsticks.Istripa stick away from one of the Bellona cousins, leveling her with an elbow to her temple. Then I turn, spinningthesticktowardKarnus’sface.Butit’sblocked.Somethinghitsthebackofmyhead.Wood shatters.Splintersdigintothescalp.Idon’tstumble.NotuntilKarnushitsmesohardinmyfacewith hiselbowthatatoothpopsout.
    Theydon’ttaketurnscomingonebyone.Theysurroundmeandtheypunishmewiththeefficiency oftheirdeadlyart, kravat .Theyaimfornerves,organs.Imanagetostand,hitafewofmyassailants.
    ButI’mnotlongonmyfeet.Someonejamstheirstickintomyskin,impactingthesubcostalnerve.I dripdowntothegroundlikemeltingwaxandKarnuskicksmeinthehead.
    Blood and air spray out of my mouth as Karnus puts his foot on my stomach, then throat. He laughs.“InthewordsofLornauArcos,ifyoumustonlywoundtheman,youbetterkillhispride.”
    Shetwistsmyhairintohergrip.Herhotbreathsmellslikespearmint.“Whathavewehere?”sheasks, pullingmydatapadfromitsplaceonmyarm.“Dammit.HehailedtheAugustans.I’drathernotfight thatJuliibitchwithoutmyarmor.”
    “Shh,”shewhispersasItrytospeak,tracingaknifeovermylips,pushingitintomymouthtillthe brittlemetalclacksagainstmyteeth.“That’sagoodlittlebitch.”
    Blood stings my eyes as Karnus shoves Cagney off my chest, grabs me and hoists me off the groundwithhislefthand.Heflexeshisrightarm,cursingabouthisruinedbicep.Hecan’tpullitback to swing a punch, so instead he grins toothily at me and head-butts me once in the chest just at the sternum.Myworldrocks.There’sacrackle.Thesoundoftwigsoverafire.Iwheezeoutbubbling, inhumansounds.Karnushead-buttsmeagainandtossesmyachingbodytotheground.
    “Mother bid me to tell you: a pauper can never be a prince. Every time you look in the mirror,
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