revenge. These attacks are petty and gruesome—the bombing of barracks, fashion outlets, bazaars, highColor coffee shops, and restaurants. Ares would never condone them.
I’vesentmessagestoDancerviatheholoBox.Nothing.Justsilence.Couldhebedead?OrhasAres abandonedmeforthisnewstrategyofbombing?
“Don’tbefuddleDarrowwithcomplexquestions!”Plinycrowsdefensively.“Makeitayesornoso he can understand.” Pliny flashes me the most pitying of smiles and squeezes my shoulder in sympathy.“Behindhislepidsmiles,he’sanhonest,simplebeast.Youshouldknowthat.”
He turns away. “In any manner, Leto, you’re forgetting we designed Red culture to be highly patriarchal. Their identity as a people centers around the collection of resources to propagate the embryonicterraformingofMars.Physicallystrenuous,gruelingtasksperformedby men . Tasks we don’t let their women perform, even if they are capable, pursuant to the Stratification Protocol. So, yousee,itcan’tbeawoman,becausenoroughneckRusterwouldfollowamanorawomanwhohas
Letosmilescleverly. “If AresisaRed.”
Pliny and Augustus both laugh. “Maybe he’s a deranged Violet who’s taken his acting to a new stage,”Plinyoffers.
“No!AnObsidianwho,dareIsay,hasfinallyforsakenhisterroroftechnologyanddevelopedthe skillstouseaholoCamera?”Plinyslapshisleg.“I’dgiveawayoneofmyRosesjusttosee—”
“My goodmen. Enough.” Augustus cuts him off, tapping his finger on the desk. Pliny and Leto shareagrinandturnbacktoAugustus.“Yourrecommendation,Pliny?”
“Of course.” Pliny clears his throat. “Unlike their propaganda and cyber attacks, the brutality is quitesimpletocounter.Aresornot,issueareply.Ourkillteamsarepreparedfortacticalstrikeson severalterroristtraininggroundsbeneathMars’ssurface.Weshouldstrikenow.Ifwewait,Ifearthe Sovereign’s Praetorians will take matters into their own hands. Luneborn don’t understand Mars.
“A fool pulls the leaves. A brute chops the trunk. A sage digs the roots.” Augustus pauses.
Striking training grounds will do nothing except fill the holoNet with pretty explosions. I tire of politicalplays.Ourstrategymustchange.Witheverybombing,theSovereigngrowswearierofmy administration.”
“You govern Mars ,” Leto says. “Not Venus or Earth. Ours is not a placid planet. What does she expect?”
“I intend to poison the Sons of Ares’s roots. I want suicide bombers, not Grays. Find the ugliest, nastiestRedsonMars,holdtheirfamilieshostage,andthreatentokilltheirsonsanddaughtersifthe fathers do not do as we command. Focus the suicide bombers on surface areas with high youth density as well as two choice mines. No women bombers. I want social divide. Women against violence.”
“Urbanareastoo,”hecontinues.“NotjustBrownsandRedminersandagriculturalists.Iwantdead BlueandGreenchildreninschoolsorarcadesnexttoSonsofAresglyphs.Thenwe’llseeifother Colorsstillsingthatgirl’sgorydamnsong.”
Myheartdipsabeat.Eo’ssongspreadfurtherthanshedreamed,reachingtheholoNetandripping across the Solar System, shared over a billion times thanks to anarchist hacker groups. Time and
Lindsay Paige, Mary Smith
Wilkie Collins, M. R. James, Charles Dickens and Others