Ghost Granny

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Book: Ghost Granny Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carol Colbert
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, ghost cat, fun ghost stories, fun ebook, cozy ghost story
employment papers to fill out and a
note reminding Catherine to open an account at the bank in town. It
was 8:35am and the shop was to be opened for business at ten.
Catherine looked out the window and noticed the bank was across the
street and so she locked the shop back up and went to open an
account. Everyone at the bank was as nice to her as the entire town
had been. She also arranged for her former bank accounts to be
wired into her new checking and savings accounts at the new
    Walking back to the shop, Catherine thought
she saw a light blue mist through the window of the chocolate shop.
When she opened the door, however, there was no mist, blue or
otherwise. Just the wonderful smell of fresh brewed coffee and a
new note.
    “Hi Catherine, sorry to have missed you.
Please feel free to enjoy the coffee and don’t feel bad about
sampling our candies. Isabel should be in about noon to pick up the
empty trays for the chocolates. – Luna”
    Catherine was sorry she had missed Luna. The
coffee smelled wonderful, like chocolate coffee. Catherine took the
trays of chocolates out of the refrigerator and placed them into
the glass cases in the front of the store. It wasn’t long before
her first customer of the day showed up.
    Catherine thought the young girl looked
familiar when she came into the shop. She smiled and said “Good
morning, welcome to Thelma’s Chocolates.” Then it clicked where she
had seen this young lady before. “Oh, you work at the restaurant,
right? My son Cody and I were there a few days ago. We were the
ones who had a question about our bill being paid already.”
    “Yes, I remember.” The young lady said.
“Everything checked out at the end of the night, so you are still
all set. My name is Jill, by the way. So, you and your son decided
to stay in town?”
    “Nice to formally meet you, Jill. Yes, our
situation changed at home so we figured this would be a good place
to stay. Everyone has been so nice to us.” Catherine said.
    “It really is a nice town. A good place to
grow up in. I understand Cody is in my dad’s class.”
    “Your dad’s class?”
    “Yes, my dad is Luke Lucky. He is a teacher
over at the school.”
    “Oh, yes, I have met your father. So, you
are Jill Lucky, which is a very interesting name. I like it.”
Catherine said. “Today is Cody’s first day at the school, he seemed
excited about being there when I registered him this morning. I
even asked him if he would like to have one more day off before
going, but he opted to stay.”
    “Dad is a good teacher. Tell me, has Isabel
made any Halloween chocolates yet?” Jill asked, looking at the
shelves of chocolates before her.
    “I understand she is going to be here around
noon, perhaps she will bring some then. Was there something special
you were looking for? I could mention it to her.” Catherine
    “Oh, everything Isabel makes is special. She
is very talented. I know everyone likes her at the school.”
    “I have only met her briefly, but she does
seem like a very nice person and these chocolates are hard to
resist in any form.”
    “I know what you mean. Isabel teaches part
time at the school, a craft’s class. I don’t know when she finds
the time to do her magic on the chocolates.” Jill said. Jill felt a
chill and looked up to see a puff of dark blue smoke coming out of
the vent behind Catherine.
    “I really have to be going now, could you
wrap up a dozen of those chocolate cherries for me?”
    “Of course. I enjoyed our talk, Jill, I hope
to see you again soon.” Catherine said ringing up Jill’s
    There was a steady stream of customers all
morning and at noon Catherine heard the back door opening.
    “I’m here!” Isabel’s voice was a welcome
distraction. Catherine held the back door open wide so Isabel could
carry in the trays of chocolates she had today. There were
chocolate pumpkins and white chocolate ghosts, black chocolate cats
and funny hats, bats and spiders and all
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