I will let you know my new address and phone number in a few weeks
when I get one. Take care of yourself and that little one. Love
“Cody, we won’t have to go back to the
apartment after all. Looks like we are here to stay if you are sure
that this is what you want, is it?” Cody answered by jumping up and
down with a big smile on his face.
The next morning Cody and Catherine ate
their last breakfast at the hotel before checking out. “Are you
sure that we don’t owe you anything?” She asked the clerk behind
the front desk.
“No, you have the gift certificate which is
good for one week. You haven’t been here a week total, so the night
that you stayed here before your son won the free week can be
included in the paid for days.”
“Thank you, but we do owe you for the rental
of a movie that we watched that first night, don’t we?”
“Nope, there is no charge for children’s
Catherine thanked the hotel management again
and she and Cody walked out to their car. “Wow, Cody, we haven’t
even been in our car since the first night we got here. Everything
is in walking distance here.” She parked their van in front of the
candy shop and then walked the half block down to the school to
enroll Cody into classes. “Cody, would you like to start school
today, or would you feel more comfortable starting tomorrow?”
“I guess it don’t matter mom, this looks
like a pretty good school.” Catherine enrolled Cody and the lady
from the school office showed them around. Catherine asked about
school lunches and was told that Miss Thelma and Miss Luna had a
standing donation for the school so that none of the children ever
had to pay for lunches or school activities. There were speakers
set throughout the area on lampposts and when school was out for
the day they rang bells, which the entire downtown area could hear.
“I have heard those.” Catherine said.
Catherine told Cody to stay inside the
school door and when she heard the bell ring at 3pm that she would
be back to get him. “Mom, can’t I just walk to the chocolate shop
after school? I don’t want the other kids to think I am a
“Maybe in a few days, Cody, but for now,
until we get used to things around here, I would feel much better
picking you up after school. So make sure you wait for me, deal?”
“There you are, Cody! We have been waiting
for you!” Mr. Lucky said walking up to them. “Science project is
first up this morning. Hello, Catherine.”
It was nice to see a familiar face, even if
it was just Mr. Lucky whom they had only briefly met once before.
Catherine smiled and waved good-bye to her son, who seemed to have
no qualms about being in a new school with all new people.
Catherine walked back to the chocolate shop,
stopping to look in her van for the garbage bag that Cody said he
had taken with them. Sure enough there it was. Catherine was glad
she had noticed a modern wash machine and dryer at the house, these
clothes needed to be rewashed after being stuffed in a garbage bag
for the last few days.
What a turn of events, the fire and not
having to go back home to pick up anything . It then
struck her just how little of a life they were actually leaving
behind. Important papers like birth certificates and pictures of
Cody and such were kept in a little steel box that she had in the
van. She always carried her credit cards and check book with her.
There was nothing lost in that fire that was of any value. All the
furniture they had had been bought from the thrift shops or given
to them by Uncle John or her former co-workers at the hardware
store. We never really felt at home there in that apartment
building. Twenty thousand dollars! Catherine could hardly
believe it.
Catherine opened the shop and found a couple
of notes from Luna. She assumed that Luna had to be the lady in the
blue dress, although she had actually only referred to herself as
“Thelma’s sister.” There were