more like a sleek linebacker.
After finishing her coffee and breaking down to order a slice of lemon meringue pie that tasted like heaven and was obviously homemade, Nicole had asked the waitress if they needed any help. She had never worked in a restaurant before, but she knew what hard work was…and working backline with Marty was about as hard as it got.
After her breath jaunt down memory lane, Nicole curiously watched him enter the room. He had a shopping bag in his hands.
“How do you feel?”
She reached for the remote control of the television set and turned down the volume.
“Better. Sore. The doctor took out my I. V. And, I can eat and drink now.”
“Good. I talked to him a minute ago. He said that I should be able to get you out of her e tomorrow.”
“That soon?” She asked, nervously .
“You’ll be okay.” He assured her. “I went home and showered and brought you some of my sweats and a t-shirt to wear home.” He gestured to the shopping bag.
Nicole’s brow went up in surprise. “Thanks, Marty. I wish I could get cleaned up, too ...I still have blood all over me.”
“Maybe you can.” He buzzed the nurse. When she responded he asked about a shower. She didn’t see any reason why not.
Marty watched as the nurse removed the splint and brace. She carefully unwrapped the bandage from Nicole’s head. It was matted and tangled with dried blood. It disgusted her and she wished Marty wasn’t there to see it. He took his cue and eased out of the room making some vague statement about making a phone call.
The nurse wouldn’t leave Nicole alone in the shower so she made it a quickie. It still felt good , but it scared her to see all the blood pooling around her feet.
Painfully she got into a fresh gown and the nurse helped her to replace the brace.
“I’ll be back in a jiff with fresh bandages and I’ll have your boyfriend come back in.”
“Oh…that’s not….” Nicole felt her cheeks flush. “Thanks.” She mumbled.
When Marty came back in he stared at her hair. It was washed and cleaned but a mess all over her head. What could she do about it, though? She had just discovered that she had forty stitches crisscrossing the back of her head !
The nurse had left her with a very inadequate hairbrush. Using her good left hand she c arefull y dragged it through the tangle of curls.
Marty grimaced along with her. “Careful…”
“I’m trying- ” She replied, feeling her face grow hot.
“Here give it to me.” She looked at him uncertain but he took the brush out of her hand and tentatively began to brush the ends, gently gripping the length in his fist to avoid tugging the stitches. “Okay?”
She nodded and he continued.
Nicole was wide-eyed with shock. Kendall should be seeing this. T his is truly unreal…Marty i s doing her hair. Maybe she was still unconscious and this was all a freaky dream…
“Yeah?” He mumbled in deep concentration at his task.
“This is very weird…”
He chuckled. “Please don’t tell anybody at work.” She liked the sound of that chuckle. It wasn’t something he did often.
Helen Edwards, Jenny Lee Smith