Forbidden Knight

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Book: Forbidden Knight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jecca Bartlett
too," he said simply, and then he lay back down.

    Well, that was unsatisfying, she thought, as she rolled back toward the wall of the bus. Justus snugged in close to her and she felt him against her ass. She had to keep herself from wiggling her butt into his crotch. Some professional. She pretended to be asleep, hoping real sleep would come.


    When Eva woke up she rolled onto her back and opened one eye slightly. Staring at the ceiling she tried to recall where she was. It definitely wasn't the ceiling from her mom's house, and not her place with Greg. Then it all came flooding back in a rush and she flopped her hand to the side, realizing that Justus was gone. Eva leaned over and parted the curtain for the bunk and peered out.

    Coffee. She definitely smelled coffee. Patting her hair down she reached for her track pants and pulled them on. She turned to the side and slid out of the bunk, hitting the cold bus floor with a thunk. They were still moving, so she figured it was pretty early. Swaying gently from side to side, she made her way to the front section of the bus where she found several coffee makers. Selecting a pod from the box, she slid it into the coffee maker, put a styrofoam cup under the spout and pushed the button. She was met with the satisfying gurgle of one cup, brewed just for her. Eva creamed and sugared her breakfast and slid into a booth.

    There were a couple of guys lounging around in their underwear on the couches and chairs, mostly reading or texting on their phones. They nodded in her direction, but no one spoke, which was fine with her. Talking to her before coffee wasn't safe for anyone.

    Idly she wondered where Justus had gotten to, but no sooner did she think it than he appeared at her side, freshly showered and smelling of soap and shampoo. And half naked. Oh God, he looked good half naked. Look away from the abs, she instructed herself as her heart began to pound and her southerly regions began to warm up. And maybe throb a bit. Stop! She commanded her body.

    "Good morning, roomie."

    Eva looked up and caught his eye. She held up her hand, "Shhhhh, coffee. Gotta have my coffee."  

    "Oh, right," Justus nodded, "making sure you have your coffee is good for the safety of the team," and went to get himself a cup.  

    Eva was faced with avoiding looking at his ass instead of avoiding looking at his abs.  

    She stared down into her cup of coffee instead. Why, she wondered, why was she so taken with this guy? Was it just the body? Was it...oh hell, She knew, she'd had a crush on him since forever so that was half of it. Or more than half. But this was just a crush, she was sure. She had to get through the next few weeks and then she'd be home free. Crush-less and on her own in her little tiny homey RV.

    "We'll be home early tonight. Then nothing but practice until the game on Friday night. Where are you staying?"

    Eva blinked at him. "With you, I'm staying with you."

    Justus rolled his eyes, "Really? I mean really? It's practice week, we'll be on the ice all the time. I don't need a sitter at home."

    "You don't think you need a minder at all. But yeah, really, as in for real, as in I'm your new roomie."

    "God dammit, I need some privacy, woman."

    "Well you should have thought of that when you were busy making a name for yourself as a drinking partying machine, and then you wouldn't have this problem."

    "The only problem here is you!" Justus stormed off to the back of the bus, leaving her alone chewing on the coffee stirrer.  

    "Well that went well," Nate said.

    "Yeah, exceptionally," Eva looked up as he slid into the opposite side of the booth. Nate was tall and darkly handsome. Kind of the opposite of Justus, where Justus was beefy and well muscled, Nate was slender and well muscled. So, opposites except for the muscles.   And the whole bus was full of great skating toned, solid muscular butts. Eva felt a little like a kid in a candy store as she looked
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