news for a number of reasons, not the least of which was that they used to be related, was going to derail her. And now, she had to go sleep, as in only sleep, with him and keep her hands to herself.
Eva stared at the ceiling as the bus carried them to toward their home arena, and Justus's home. Justus was squished in next to her, so she was facing the wall. After using the teeny tiny bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, again, she had slipped back into her tracksuit. So, in addition to being squished into the bunk, she was warm and uncomfortable.
She had no idea how he was sleeping. But he was, she knew it was true because he was snoring in her ear. His arm was draped around her middle and she was afraid if she moved it, that would wake him. Or shift it to less safe places on her body. And being awake with him snugged tight against her ass would be way worse than having him sleeping there.
It actually felt kind of good, it had been a long time since she had slept with someone cuddled in tight. Greg had traveled all the time, (and now she knew why!) and so even when they were a couple, they were hardly ever in the same bed at night.
The novelty of having this amazingly hot guy snugged in close was pretty much entire offset by the knowledge that--
1. She was doing a J.O.B.
2. They had once been step-siblings, even if it was for a very short time.
3. Well, there was no 3, the whole J.O.B. thing was really all that needed to be said.
Eva took a deep breath and gently tried to slide her pants down. Sleeping in such close quarters while wearing anything at all was nuts. This tracksuit was feeling like her own personal sauna.
She carefully reached down and snagged the waistband of her pants, and slowly, slowly inched them down her legs. His breathing didn't change and so she slid the pants down further. They had fallen asleep with no covers on because it was so warm, so all she had to do was inch them down to her ankles then kick them off. One more tug, almost there...
"What are you doing? Can't wait to get your pants off when you're near me? Is that it?" Justus whispered in her ear.
"No. God! I'm too warm."
"Maybe it's because I'm so hot?"
"Stop being annoying," Eva hissed. "I just needed to be able to take these off. I'm sorry if I woke you."
"Let me help," he said. Justus slid his hand along her hip until he found her waistband. His fingers were warm and soft and everywhere they touched she felt heat. He was taking his sweet time, but she didn't want to say anything. Whether it was because she was afraid he would stop, or afraid he would keep going, she didn't know for sure.
Eva shivered at his touch and her desire for him washed over her. He ran his hand very slowly down her leg and she couldn't believe how good his hand felt. She had to stop thinking about those hands other places She gritted her teeth and pressed her legs close together so that her turn-coat lady parts would maybe go back to sleep and stop wanting him so much.
He inched her pants down the last bit and scooped them over her feet. Eva kicked them to the edge of the bunk and tried to move closer to the wall.
"Is that better?"
"Yes," Eva said through her still clenched teeth.
"Why are you talking like that?"
"I'm whispering, we're surrounded, I'm trying to be polite."
"No, you're gritting your teeth," he said as he pulled her onto her back and leaned up on one elbow to gaze down at her face.
"This is hard, isn't it?"
"What's hard?" she asked suspiciously.
"This," he waved his free hand. "All this proximity."
"No," she lied. "No, it's fine. I have no problem being so close to you."
She noticed that his face seemed softer in the glow of the nightlight on the bus. She felt like she had to give him something, she could admit this was hard, right? That wouldn't be a problem.
"Okay, yes, a little."