Finding My Way

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Book: Finding My Way Read Online Free PDF
Author: Megan Keith
I’m sure if he saw the state of the place at the
moment he wouldn’t be thinking we were such great tenants anymore.  Max
has totally taken over the lounge room now that he can barely get in his own
bedroom with all the junk in there.
    Kevin on the other
hand is not a slob.  He isn’t home that much anymore, though.  I
think mainly because he can’t stand to live with Max now either.  I
honestly don’t know where Kevin spends his time, all I
know is that I don’t see him much.  So lately when I get home I just hang
out in my own room.  Lucky if I get a grunt from Max as I pass him. 
It’s really not the best situation to be in anymore.
    As we walk back to
the office Paul says how much he is looking forward to getting home
tonight.  It just makes me realise how much I’m not looking forward to it.
    “I think I’ll be
looking for a new place to live soon.  My roommate is giving me the
Well if you need any help with that Jazz’s brother Shaun is a real estate
agent.  He helped us out when we were buying our place.  Remind me to
give you one of his business cards.  He can help you with rentals or if
you want to buy.”
    "Okay cool.”
    I hear the gunfire
before I even place my key in the lock.
    “Hey Max!”  I
call out as I enter the hallway and poke my head in the lounge of our house.
    “ Mmmph ,”
is his only response.
    “Could you turn it
down a bit mate?”  I ask him and am not surprised at all that I get no
reply.  I walk up behind him and repeat my request.  Still nothing,
so I reach over and turn the knob on his speaker down myself.
    “Sorry,” he says as
he barely turns his head from the computer screen.  Deep in battle for the
claiming rights on some virtual land no doubt.  Best leave him be, it’s
not like he really notices my presence anyway.  I’ve noticed lately he has
given up shaving too, even that requires too much effort.
    I pass Kevin’s room
on the way to mine but he’s not there, as usual.  I dump my satchel on the
bed in my room and go to the kitchen.  Grabbing the rissoles I bought
yesterday from the fridge, I hunt through the cupboards and settle on some
potatoes and a can of peas and carrots.  While I busy myself peeling the
potatoes I contemplate my next move.  I need to speak to Kevin, see if we
can do an intervention or something.  Max is becoming so unbearable.
    The potatoes are
boiling and the rissoles sizzling when Kevin eventually walks in.
    “Seth,” he says with
a nod grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
    “Hey Kev , you want some tea?  I probably have enough
here.”  We used to eat together nearly every night, the three of us. 
We took it in turns to cook or sometimes did it together.  Lately I have
just been buying my own groceries and cooking for myself.
    “ Nah, thanks though.  I’m heading out.”
    “How’s it
going?”  I asked.  But what I really wanted to ask is where the hell
are you going, every night?
not bad man.   You?”
    “Not good.  It’s Max man I dunno if I can handle it much more!”
    “What’s that?” he
looks at me quizzically then takes a swig of his water.
    “All he does is play
on those friggin ’ computers.  He’s practically
catatonic.  He has a pile of dirty dishes and rubbish all over the
lounge.  It’s turning into a junkyard like his room.  I try to watch
TV in my room or read or even sleep but it’s so bloody loud all the time. 
We’ve gotta do something.”
    “Like what?” 
Kevin asks, but it feels like it’s only out of politeness.  I honestly
don’t think he cares at all.  I drain my potatoes at the sink and start
mashing them with a little milk and butter, turning my back on Kevin.
    “I dunno, an intervention or something.  Cut off his supply?”  I turn back to
find that Kevin is inching his way towards the back door.
    “Can we talk about
this later?  I’ve really gotta go.”  He
says and promptly turns around, pushes
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