Finding My Way

Finding My Way Read Online Free PDF

Book: Finding My Way Read Online Free PDF
Author: Megan Keith
the door open and exits, before I can
even respond.
    I take my frustration
out with the masher on the potatoes and then dish up my dinner.  What is
Kevin’s problem?  It’s like he doesn’t care at all.  And where the
hell does he keep going?
    I take a seat at the
table and eat my dinner for one.  Again.  
And that’s when it hits me. 
    Fuck I’m lonely.

    Bang.  Footsteps.   Another bang.   What the hell?   I slowly open my eyes but I don’t recognise where I
am.  It’s still dark but there must be a street light out the window
because I can just make out that this is not my bedroom.  Think.  Where
am I?   I try to move but my arm is stuck.  A small moan comes
from beside me.  Shit!  I fell asleep in Kelly’s bed.  That was
not the plan.
    I slowly drag my arm
out from under her.  I sit up and push my legs out from beneath the
covers.  My feet find a pile of clothes on the floor.  My eyes are
starting to focus and I can just make out which clothes are mine.  I find
my phone in the pocket of my pants, pressing the button to light up the screen
I find that has just past 4am.  Phew!  Not late for work.
    I quickly get dressed
and softly shut the bedroom door behind me, while Kelly remains fast
asleep.  I sneak out the front door then walk the couple of blocks back
home.  I sure am grateful to whoever was making that racket at
Kelly’s.  They woke me up in time for work.  Plus I don’t want Kelly
getting the wrong idea.  We’ve hooked up a couple of times now, but if I
had of stayed the whole night it could mean something else entirely.  For
her, that is.  Not me, I don’t do the relationship thing.  I made
that clear to her but still, you know what girls can be like, reading too much
into things.
    Man, I am kicking
myself for not getting more sleep.  What time did I stop drinking?  I
wasn’t even going out last night, I was still too
wrecked from the night before, until Dan called around and begged me.  He
has the hots for Kelly’s friend, Jo, and the girls wanted to meet up at a pub
in the city.  Dan can be quite persuasive and being a Sunday arvo I didn’t
see too much harm in it.  We left my place at about 3pm and I figured I’d
be back home early.  But one drink led to another
and we ended up having dinner.  Kelly and Jo are cool chicks to hang with
and the four of us were having a great time.
    Then more drinks led
to even more drinks.  And after a few drinks with Kelly things generally
end up in the same way.  She gets frisky and me being a guy and all… who
am I to deny her?  I mean she’s hot and damn good in the sack.  I
vaguely remember catching a taxi to Kelly’s place, leaving Dan and Jo in the
cab, to go where?  I don’t know, probably Dan’s house.
    I head straight for
the shower when I get home, as it is too early for work but there’s not enough
time for a decent nap.  I make myself a coffee.  Deciding I am kind
of hungry I make some toast too.  Then sit and twiddle my thumbs for a bit
before making another coffee and then heading off to work.  I’m still
feeling the effects of all the alcohol I consumed, so I am grateful that I
don’t have to drive to work.  I walk a couple of blocks to the train
station and open the kiosk early.  I set up the racks of newspapers and
fill the register with cash from the safe.  I have been working here for
nearly three months now and I am on autopilot as the first customers of the day
    A couple of hours in
and I feel like I am dead on my feet.  I really should not have stayed up
so late last night.  I wish I could just go back to bed.  Or even
better back to Kelly’s bed.  I can’t help but smirk at the thought of what
that girl could do with her mouth, much rather do that ,
than work.  Yeah all in all I would say it was a successful night. 
But I am paying for it now.  Too much alcohol and a 4am wake up call, yep,
I really do need to slow down on the ‘school night’
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