movie and turn toward Jenny. It’s time to talk. My chocolate-induced coma is wearing off.
With a look of deep concern in her eyes, Jenny touches my hand. “You only watch this movie when you’re down. Shit, Sam. What the hell happened?” When I glance up at her, she must notice the faint redness on my face from crying. “Oh my God, you’ve been crying! Did Nathan come by again? I swear to God, I’ll hang him by his balls. I’ll ...” I cut Jenny off from saying anymore.
“It’s not Nathan. It’s just been an incredibly shitty day! My principal called, and apparently my job is slashed from the budget.” I rub my hands across my face, trying to get relief from my sudden headache. “So, no job means no money for my apartment. Suddenly I’m moving backward instead of forward.” My hand reaches for hers and grips it tightly as defeat sets in.
“No shit! For real?” She takes her spoon and steals a bite of my ice cream. I fight the urge not to smack her hand away. “Wow, that sucks, but hey, it gave you a good excuse to break into the ice cream stash!” Jenny’s smile is contagious, and I find myself grinning back at her. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll figure out something, we always do!” She takes another scoop, and this time I give her the death glare. “Hey now, give me some of that. I can’t help you on an empty stomach!” She winks while I reluctantly move the pint toward her.
“You can always talk to your parents to see if they’ll help out? You know, maybe some great miracle occurred and they turn into normal people.” We both break out into hysterics as we devour the rest of the carton.
Sitting out on my patio, eating breakfast, I feel pretty pleased with myself. Last weekend was eye-opening on so many levels. Talking with my dad about the winery changes went better than expected. He thought we should bring Jenny into the discussion so I felt optimistic about the prospect of expanding the business. Jenny’s on the same page as me and had some great ideas of her own. She’s coming home this week, and I’m anxious to start and get my mind lost in the project.
The sound of the doorbell disrupts my productive thoughts. I look at the clock and realize that it’s Jack coming by to pick me up. We have a rugby tournament this weekend and we need to get to the pitch.
Rugby. I love playing. It’s helped me get through the past two years. The sport and the guys I play with. The bell stops just as the knocking begins.
“Jesus Christ, Jack, I’m coming!” Sounds of him thumping while making lewd sounds greet me as I open the door.
“You were coming? Rubbing one out again, Ben? That’s a quick one,” Jack jokes.
“Fuck off, man. Jerking off before a game is more your style.” I step aside to let him in.
“You ready to go, man? You got your kit?” Jack asks as he makes his way into the kitchen to grab some food.
“Yeah, I just need to call Jenny real quick. She’s graduating today, and I told her I would call. I still feel like an ass for missing it.”
“How’s Jenny doing? I can’t believe she’s done with school. That’s just crazy.” Jack stops to take bite out of his bagel. “It seems like yesterday I was terrorizing and teasing her!” We chuckle at the memories.
“When she coming home?” Jack asks with his mouth full.
I slide my finger across the phone and press down to dial her number. “She comes home next week.” Jack starts to ask me something else, but I put my hand up to stop him. “Hey Bean, how’s the big time college graduate? I wish I could be there with you to celebrate.” My eyes betray my cool demeanor. “I miss you Bean, and I can’t wait to see you next week.” Jack whacks me on the back of my head. “Dude, what the hell!”
Jack looks at me with pride before yelling to Jenny, “Congrats Bean Pole, your pussy of a brother is getting a little misty-eyed.”
“Fuck off!” I grumble back while returning to our