The Crimson Bond

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Book: The Crimson Bond Read Online Free PDF
Author: Erika Trevathan
earlier. It was weird, but I could sense his presence even though he wasn’t sitting there. At my sharp intake of breath Anna spoke softly. “Ask him to come to you.”
            “What?” I hissed back, while keeping my eyes closed and focusing on the little sparks of connection I was feeling. Was this girl for real?
            “Just do it.”
            I let out a huff of air and concentrated, thinking the words in my head. “ Alex, come back and talk to me .” Within a few seconds I heard or rather felt Alex’s voice. “ I’m on my way .” It echoed throughout me as if it was the most natural thing ever.
            My eyes popped open in surprise and I leapt up like the couch was on fire. “Yikes! What in the world just happened?! If Alex shows up here, I am really going to freak!” I stood in front of the couch with my hands on my hips staring down at Anna.

                “To be honest with you Anna, I can‘t decide if it‘s you that‘s crazy or me. I just knew this was working out too great to be true. Is this why you can’t keep a roommate? Because you hang with real, live vampires?” I knew I was being kind of hard on her, but I was on a roll and kept going.
            “I mean really Anna, you could have warned me. I’ve been here a total of one night.” I held one finger out in front of me trying to make my point. “One night and already I have a vampire, a gorgeous vampire no doubt, but a vampire nonetheless, who thinks I belong to him.”
            At that moment a delicious thrill ran up my spine and goose bumps popped up on my arms. From behind me I heard Alex’s smooth, cool voice. “That’s because you do belong to me Brooke.”
            I whirled around to find Alex, his dark hair tousled, his button down shirt rolled up at the sleeves showing muscular forearms and his blue eyes as vibrant as ever. I stood staring at him too stunned to speak. He really was way too good looking to be standing in my living room right now.
            “You really heard me?!” I squeaked out.
            He gave me the little smirk I was becoming accustomed to, but his eyes had softened and I could tell he was taking pity on me.
            “Yes, I heard you very clearly.” He walked toward me and I took a couple of steps back. Not that I was scared of him, but it was all just so mind boggling. I could see Anna slip from the room out of the corner of my eye, but I was too consumed with the fact that Alex and I were somehow connected, that I barely noticed. I felt the connection between us as strongly as if it were visible for everyone to see. I also felt his possessiveness and the ironclad bond that I sensed would bind me to him whether I wanted it or not. Oh, but I wanted it. Amazingly, now just the thought of us being parted made my insides quake. Whatever this was between us was scarily strong and the overwhelmingness of it had me feeling lightheaded. Alex took my hand and guided me to sit next to him on the white sofa. I could feel my breathing start to pick up and my hands were starting to tremble. I wondered if this is what shock felt like. When my head started to spin, I had little choice but to let myself fall backwards onto the orange and turquoise pillows. I was really going to have to learn to deal with the unexpected better. I looked up and Alex was leaning over me. He reached up and gently brushed the hair out of my face. Just that small brush of his fingers against my forehead sent little zaps of electricity racing through me. My blood hummed with a strange contented excitement. I shivered and he gave me a half smile with that knowing look in his eyes. “Brooke, as soon as I walked through the door of that bar and our eyes met, I knew. I’m drawn to you in a way that‘s all consuming and almost unheard of. It’s not something that happens very often
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