Fear Itself

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Author: Ira Katznelson
    Hindenburg, Paul von, 98
    Hinshaw, John Carl, 307–8, 309
    Hintze, Otto, 112
    Hirabayashi v. United States, 608
    Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 349, 405
    Hiroshima, Japan, 14, 349, 350, 383, 405, 414, 428, 612, 636
    History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Stalin), 82
    Hitler, Adolf, 30, 40, 52, 64, 70, 73, 218, 236, 282, 302, 305, 315, 354, 360
    anti-Americanism of, 599
    antiblack racism of, 282–83
    death of, 71
    Enabling Act desired by, 108–9
    Germany withdrawn from League of Nation by, 102
    and invasion of Soviet Union, 94
    Lindbergh’s praise for, 69
    militarism of, 318
    Nuremberg Laws announced by, 74
    Parliamentarianism denounced by, 113
    Hitler Youth, 111
    Hocking, William Ernest, 115
    Hofstadter, Richard, 36, 47, 162, 186, 191, 234
    Holland, Spessard, 396
    Holocaust, 34, 42, 70, 72, 92
    see also concentration camps, German
    Home Building and Loan Association vs. Blaisdell, 335
    Home Owners Loan Act (1933), 123–24
    homosexuals, 461
    Hong Kong, 41
    Hook, Sidney, 373–74
    Hoover, Herbert, 56, 117, 118, 119, 150–51, 175, 234, 253, 262, 281, 299, 304, 457, 578, 603
    Hoover, J. Edgar, 294, 322, 326, 327–28, 333, 339, 341, 342, 460, 646–47
    Hoover administration, 48
    Hopkins, Harry, 359
    hospital construction, 84
    hospitals, 548–49
    House of Commons, 104
    House of Lords, 104
    House of Representatives, U.S.:
    Agriculture Committee, 149
    Appropriations Committee, 149, 379, 449
    Armed Services Committee, 426, 444, 445, 449
    arms embargo ended in, 309–10
    Banking and Commerce Committee, 149
    civil rights bill in, 179
    Civil Service Committee, 459
    decentralization bill in, 384
    defense bill in, 309
    draft bill in, 315–16
    FLSA passed in, 267
    Foreign Affairs Committee, 149, 301, 426
    Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, 256
    Judiciary Committee, 179, 149, 333
    Labor Committee, 273, 395
    labor standards bill in, 269–71, 272
    Military Affairs Committee, 149, 312, 315, 324, 426, 429
    Naval Affairs Committee, 324, 426
    1942 election in, 378
    partisan voting in, 182
    Rules Committee, 208–10, 238, 239, 269, 329
    sectional votes in, 164, 165
    soldier voting bill in, 215–17, 219–22
    Special Committee to Investigate the National Labor Relations Board, 273
    Subcommittee on Armed Services Appropriations, 450
    Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 329–31, 339, 340, 426, 427, 433, 443, 458–59, 462, 463–64, 465, 604
    Ways and Means Committee, 149, 239, 259, 260, 424
    housing, 196
    housing conditions, 88
    housing segregation, 24
    Houston, Charles, 519–20
    Howard, Charles, Sr., 213
    Howard, Leslie, 283
    Howard, Milton, 334
    Howard University, 88, 176
    Howe, Louis, 228
    Huddleston, George, 256
    Hudson, Janet, 536
    Hughes, Charles Evans, 165, 335
    Hughes, James, 540
    Hughes, John, 266
    Hughes, Langston, 138
    Hula, Erich, 369
    Hull, Cordell, 19, 68, 75, 261, 263, 326, 595
    Hull, England, 41
    Humphrey, Hubert, 6, 36, 465
    Hundred Days, 123–25, 161, 243, 251, 256, 353
    Hungary, 105, 277
    Hunter College, 87
    Huston, Reeve, 200
    hydroelectric power, 289
    hydrogen bomb, 446–47, 453–54, 469, 483
    Iceland, 418
    Ickes, Harold, 176, 571, 627
    Idaho, 212
    Illinois, 177
    I’ll Take My Stand, 157
    I’m for Roosevelt, 44
    immigrants, 22, 23
    imperialism, 13, 39
    Indiana, 212
    Indochina, 314
    Industrial Advisory Board, 230
    industrialization, 157
    Industrial Mobilization Plan, 323
    industrial production, 37, 99
    Industrial Union Council, 89
    infrastructure, 162
    Inland and Republic Steel, 273, 398
    Institute for Research in Social Science, 169
    Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (1947), 436
    interest groups, 19
    Internal Security Act (1947), 421, 464
    International Military Tribunal, 58–59, 71–83, 95, 322, 356, 407, 512, 518
    Interstate Commerce Act, 144
    Inukia Tsuyoshi, 98, 522
    investments, 35
    Iowa, 212
    Iran, 362, 408
    Ireland, 277
    Irish, Marian, 142, 289, 535, 537
    Irish Catholics, 22
    Iron Curtain speech, 362, 414
    isolationism, 69, 291–92, 296–97, 298, 301,
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