Fear Itself

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Author: Ira Katznelson
bill, 267–72
    labor unrest, 39, 151
    LaFollette, Robert, 147
    Lake Charles, La., 218
    Lamar, Lucius, 156–57, 158, 543
    land assessments, 84
    Landon, Alf, 164–65
    Lanham, Fritz, 432
    Laski, Harold, 40
    Lasswell, Harold, 45, 319, 373–74, 481–82
    Latin America, 22–23, 117, 322, 439, 646–47
    Latvia, 105, 277, 356
    Laurence, William, 403, 404–5, 410, 428
    Lavery, Urban, 558
    Law of December 1, 80
    Law of War, The (Risley), 99–100
    Lawrence, Ernest, 613
    Lawrence, Geoffrey, 71
    Lawson, B. V., 89
    Lead Pencil Association, 229
    League of Nations, 39, 102, 288, 290, 293, 296, 407
    Lebed, Mykola, 445
    LeCompte, Karl, 204
    Lederer, Emil, 319, 496
    Lee, Joshua, 308
    Lehman, Herbert, 66, 228, 242, 465
    LeMay, Curtis, 350, 445–46, 447, 448, 450–51, 469
    Lemkin, Raphael, 102
    Lend-Lease, 305–7, 310, 311, 393, 406, 637
    Lenin, V. I., 94, 105
    Leningrad, 354, 355
    Leuchtenburg, William, 37, 99
    Lever, Asbury, 146
    Lewis, John L., 4, 230, 571, 627
    Lewis, Sinclair, 281
    Liaison Office for Personnel Management, 622
    liberal democracy, 23
    as abandoned in Soviet Union, 55
    alleged 1920s triumph of, 103–5
    debates over validity of, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 32
    decisions legitimized by, 18–19
    Mussolini’s denunciation of, 113
    New Deal as test of, 9–10, 25, 50
    proliferation of threats to, 39, 43–44, 46, 114–17, 121
    World War II as threat to, 46
    liberalism, 4, 529–30
    Liberia, 89
    Libya, 68, 69, 510
    Lichtenstein, Nelson, 627
    Life, 89–90, 411–12, 416
    Lilienthal, David, 416, 432, 453–54, 638, 644
    Lincoln, Abraham, 22, 89, 133, 200, 212, 318, 335, 337, 470
    black equality rejected by, 139
    Lincoln Memorial, 90
    Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 65, 69, 511
    Lindbergh, Charles, 61, 62, 64, 65, 69–70, 71, 281, 303, 304, 322, 506, 511
    Lindberghflug, Der (Brecht), 62
    Link, Arthur, 145–46, 539
    Lippmann, Walter, 30–31, 34, 36, 120, 161, 255, 298, 306, 316, 332, 360, 369, 407, 414, 496, 531, 635
    creation of UN desired by, 415
    dictatorship promoted by, 118–19, 121, 123, 124
    New Deal criticized by, 44–45
    on U.S. interest in World War II, 358
    liquidity, 38
    literacy tests, 84, 134
    Lithuania, 277, 356
    livestock, 251
    lobbyists, 478
    Locke, John, 109
    Lodge, Henry Cabot, 148, 597
    Loewenstein, Karl, 32, 105–6, 110, 528
    Logan, Rayford, 138, 176
    logrolling, 263
    London, England, 41, 351
    London Charter, 76, 78
    Long, Benjamin F., 145
    Long, Breckenridge, 67, 68, 69, 71, 94, 510
    Long, Huey, 128, 161, 241, 292, 471
    Long Telegram, 413–14
    Lonn, Ella, 169
    Lorwin, Lewis, 237–38
    Los Alamos, 349, 403, 462, 482–83, 614
    Los Angeles Times, 270, 294, 316, 446
    Louisiana, 136, 140, 165, 204, 426, 566
    Loving v. Virginia, 137
    Low Countries, 40, 274, 279, 319
    Lowi, Theodore, 19, 493
    Loyalty Review Board, 459–61
    Lozier, Ralph, 263, 264
    Lubyanka prison, 82
    Lucas, Scott, 205, 220–21
    Lucas-Green bill, 568
    Luce, Clare Boothe, 89–90, 433
    Luce, Henry, 59–60, 244, 277
    Luckner, Felix von, 284
    Ludlow, Louis, 291
    Luftwaffe, 64
    lumber, 262
    Lusitania, 289–90
    Luxembourg, 418, 593
    lynchings, 84, 86–87, 96–97, 141, 149, 166, 176, 187, 521–22, 546
    MacArthur, Douglas, 47, 68, 410
    Machiavelli, Niccolò, 17
    MacLeish, Archibald, 47, 321
    Madison, James, 119
    Madison Square Garden Bowl, 67
    Madonna of Loreto, 507
    Magnitogorsk, USSR, 79
    Mahon, George, 450
    Maier, Charles, 109
    mail-opening program, 322
    Mak, Geert, 97
    malaria, 171–72
    Malaya, 41
    Manchuria, Japan’s conquering of, 39, 102
    Mandelstam, Osip, 77
    manganese, 288
    Manhattan Project, 14, 349, 362, 403–5, 414, 420, 430, 444, 463, 482, 613
    Mann, Thomas, 50, 100
    Mao Zedong, 451
    Marcantonio, Vito, 604–5
    March Field, 218
    March on Rome, 63, 112, 530
    Marco Polo Bridge, 295
    Margalit, Avishai, 485, 486
    Marland, Ernest, 570
    Marreco, Anthony, 518
    Marshall, George C., 317, 318, 410, 417–18, 437–38
    Marshall Plan, 417–18
    Martin, Joseph, 202, 214, 444
    Marx, Karl, 237
    Marxism, 463
    Maryland, 22, 136
    Mason, Noah, 330
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