that you clearly have such a passion for something, and you’ve been unable to really do much about it lately. Hopefully, that will change soon.”
    I bit my lip, thinking that I was feeling pretty passionate about him right at that moment. I took a sip of my drink and tried to imagine what it would be like with this man. He seemed the type that was very much in control, and would be commanding in bed. I haven’t had much luck in that regard with previous sexual encounters – I don’t think that I had ever had an orgasm. Yet, I could tell, just by the way that his perfectly formed mouth glided sensually over the top of his martini glass, Asher would be the one to bring me to cum. Maybe just by kissing me, but definitely when he would go down on me.
    “What are you thinking, CJ?” he asked me, his pink tongue running gently over his beautiful lips.
    I blinked, coming out of my reverie. “Oh, me, uh, nothing important. Where is that food?”
    He smiled. He could probably read my thoughts. I was sure that he could at least read my expression. I wanted him badly. And I could tell, just the way that he looked at me, that he felt the same.
    At that moment, the food came, along with two pairs of chopsticks. Both of us got the sticks out and expertly handled the steaming food. As I ate, I realized that Asher wasn’t kidding about this being the best Chinese food in the city. I didn’t think that I could get Peking duck this good in Chinatown.
    “So, what do you think?” he asked me.
    “That this duck is better than sex,” I said.
    At that, he raised both eyebrows. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he said with a low voice. “You won’t be saying that after you have it with me.”
    I sighed, once again picturing his beautiful body naked and on top of me. “And you’re so sure that I want to have sex with you?” I said, teasingly.
    “I know that you do,” he said. “I can see it in your eyes. And you can see in mine that I feel the same way about you.”
    I took a deep breath and attempted to change the subject. “Ha, well, uh…what got you into the alternative energy field?”
    “I want to change the world. And I want to be extraordinarily wealthy. I think that I’ve succeeded in both of those endeavors, so everybody wins. It’s the best position to be in, don’t you think?”
    I couldn’t help but dream up a double entrendre on that last sentence. Because I could think of all kinds of different positions that I wanted to be in with this guy.
    “Yes, that’s a great position to be in,” I managed with a sigh. I melded my thighs together, trying to ignore the moisture that was accumulated in between them.
    “So, CJ,” he said. “Are you feeling better? You look pretty relaxed right now.”
    “I am. It helps that I’m no longer outside, though. I’m afraid that, when we go back out, it’ll start all over again.”
    “It might. But it might not. It can be unpredictable, I know. What kind of therapy are you seeking for this?”
    “Uh, therapy. Well, see, I don’t have insurance. And, when all of this happened, and I wasn’t able to work, I couldn’t afford to see anybody professional. So, I’ve been hanging out on the Internet, looking at everything I can about my condition and finding people on message boards. Those message boards have been kind of my lifeline, to be perfectly honest with you. It helps to know that you’re not suffering alone.”
    He nodded, but I doubt he understood. He certainly did seem the type that had a charmed life. I didn’t know how he could possibly understand crippling fear, doubt and depression. I thought he probably never had six sleepless nights in a row, and the attendant mental fog and hallucinations that come from chronic insomnia. There was a slim chance that he was haunted by constant nightmares and periods during the day when all seemed lost. I doubted that he ever heard a child’s cry in his ear, when there clearly was nobody in the room.
    I was
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