Elm Tree Road

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Book: Elm Tree Road Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anna Jacobs
over two bedraggled young women.
    ‘He’s the minister there,’ Nell said.
    ‘Ah. I see.’
    ‘Actually, I’m the minister there and at a new chapel we’ve just opened in Milnrow. My wife and I will be moving there soon because we want a garden.’
    ‘Milnrow, eh? We’re going to be living there too.’ Cliff felt himself relaxing a little. ‘I’ve just got a job at Rayner’s.’
    ‘Don and his wife are members of our congregation, though he hasn’t been to chapel as often lately because he’s been snowed under with work, though I can’t approve of toiling on the Sabbath. Iris will be glad he’s found someone to help him.’
    ‘Good. Then my job should be safe for a while.’ Cliff could hear how bitter he sounded, but couldn’t help it. He saw Nell wince and felt guilty all over again. He’d been feeling guilty ever since she told him, but angry too. He didn’t want to get married yet, not even to her. ‘I’m pleased to have met you, Mr Garrett. Come inside out of the rain, you two.’ But the man didn’t take the hint and still lingered.
    ‘I hope we’ll meet again, Mr Greenhill. Are you chapel-goers , by any chance?’
    Cliff hesitated, but he knew employers usually preferred their men to go to the same church as they did, so nodded. He’d never cared much about going to church, let alone which one he went to, though his parents attended the parish church in Swindon every Sunday and had done all their lives.
    He didn’t like Christ Church, though, so he’d stayed away when he could. The gentry sat at the front still, like in the bad old days. They acted as if they were better than anyone else, expecting you to wait for them to lead the way out. He wasn’t even sure he believed in God anymore. Why would a loving God do this to him?
    It was Mr Garrett’s turn to hesitate. ‘From what your young lady has told me, you’ll be setting up house from scratch. I’m sure our congregations, small as they are, will help you find some bits and pieces of furniture. They can be very generous to those in need, true Christians. And if the things they find for you need mending, well, I’m sure a man with your skills will be able to do that.’
    Cliff hated to need charity, but he’d been dreading having to spend his savings on buying a whole houseful of furniture. All they had at the moment were his toolkit, the clothes they stood up in and the few things in their bags. ‘Thank you. That’d be very … kind. We’re going to be living in Willow Court.’
    ‘You’ve found us a house already!’ Nell exclaimed.
    ‘It’s not very big, but it’s cheap and close to where I work. It’ll do to get us started.’
    She flung her arms round his neck and stood on tiptoe to plonk a quick kiss on his cheek. ‘You’ve done so well, Cliff. All this on your first full day here.’
    When she looked at him like that, so trusting and admiring, he felt a bit better. ‘I said I’d look after you, didn’t I?’
    Mr Garrett smiled at him from behind Nell. ‘If you come to the morning service at the Rochdale chapel tomorrow, I’ll introduce you and ask the congregation for help. Now,I’ll let you get these young ladies into the warmth again, and I’ll go home to my wife.’ He tipped his hat and strolled away.
    Pauline was still a bit stiff with Nell and her sister that evening, but she wasn’t quite as sharp and scornful as she had been, especially when Nell made Cliff give her the money to nip out to the corner shop and buy a few bits and pieces of food.
    The following day, since it was a Sunday, she even suggested they come to church with her and her family.
    ‘Thanks, but I think we’d better go to Mr Garrett’s chapel,’ Cliff said. ‘My new employer goes there and the minister’s promised to ask his congregation for help with finding furniture. I’ve paid this week’s rent, so we can move into Willow Court as soon as we have beds and a few other bits and pieces.’
    The scornful look returned
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