Do You Trust Me?

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Book: Do You Trust Me? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Desconhecido(a)
minute that
after tonight’s little trip to the townhouse they won’t assume you and John are
related?” He leaned forward. “I think it’s safe to assume they were after what
John wanted you to have, don’t you?”
    “I have nothing to
tell you, Sully.” She pulled her hand away and folded her arms across her
chest. “I don’t know why John wanted to meet me, why he broke the rules, but it
must have been pretty damn important. Why aren’t you out there trying to find
him and ask him yourself?”
    “We have men—” one of
the others in the room began.
    Sully cut him off
with a slash of a hand. “We’re looking for John. Count on it. But what you know
might help us.”
    “I know nothing.”
    “Rina, I can’t just
turn you loose. You’ve made yourself a target.”
    “Then you’ll have to
arrest me,” she snapped. “Otherwise, I’m out of here as soon as it can be
    Sully let out a long
breath and tapped his fingers on the table. “Fine. Then McCall goes with you.”
    “What?” they both
    “There’s no room for
negotiation here. These people are going to come after you. Until this is
wrapped up, he’ll be sticking to you like glue.”
    “And how am I supposed
to explain him?” she asked. “What do I tell my friends when a strange man suddenly
moves into my house?”
    A mischievous smile
played on the older man’s lips. “Why, you just tell them you’ve acquired a new
lover. Who wouldn’t want to take a handsome lug like this home with them?
Right, McCall?”
    Rina just stared, all
her words stuck in her throat. Have McCall living in her house with her? The
man who’d given her a night of unbelievable sex, then left her high and dry?
Impossible. Looking up at McCall she could see similar thoughts reflected in
his silver eyes.
    Oh, God, she couldn’t
do this. She could barely control the need that vibrated from her just being in
his presence with other people around. Her nipples tightened, sending a
tingling feeling through her breasts, and a tiny flutter set up in the muscles
of her cunt. What would she do if they were alone? What would he do?
    Sully ignored them
both. “We’ll fly you back tomorrow in the task force jet and have someone meet
you at the airport. As soon as you’re in your house, Rina, you give McCall a
copy of your complete schedule for the next month. He’ll get it to me. We’ll be
taking some other steps, too, but I want to discuss it with the rest of the
team first.”
    “You can’t screw with
my schedule,” she snapped, wondering where all this courage was coming from. “Besides
everything else, I have a huge special book signing planned for March second. Texas Independence Day. That’s less than a week from now. My new book will be released and
my publisher and my agent worked this out with the governor’s office more than
a year ago. Sully, this is the biggest thing I’ve ever done. It’s included in
all the publicity, too.”
    “We’ll take a look at
it,” he told her. “McCall will discuss it with me.”
    “Sully, I—”
    “That’s it, Rina. I
said we’ll discuss it. And while you and McCall are attached at the hip, you
might consider what John told you that got you in the middle of this in the
first place.”
    “I told you all I
know.” She swallowed, hard. “Can you at least tell me if he’s all right?”
    Sully looked at the
other two men in the room, but their faces gave nothing away. “We hope so. That’s
the best I can tell you.”
    John’s words clicked
in her brain. “He hasn’t gotten in touch with you again, has he? You don’t know
where he is.”
    Sully ignored her
statement. “I’d suggest you get some sleep now. You’ll be leaving early in the
morning. I’ll send someone out to get you some clothing so you don’t have to go
home in a bathrobe.”
    He stood, an
indication the conversation was at an end.
    “You’ll sleep in
here.” McCall led her into the bedroom attached to the bath she’d
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