Do You Trust Me?

Do You Trust Me? Read Online Free PDF

Book: Do You Trust Me? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Desconhecido(a)
used. “Hold
on a minute.” He went back into the meeting room and through it to another
bedroom. In seconds, he was back, holding out a man’s extra large T-shirt. “You’ll
probably be more comfortable sleeping in this.”
    She was touched by
the gesture, even though she could still see the suppressed irritation in his
face at Sully’s instructions.
    “McCall, listen...” How
do I talk to him about this?
    “I’m leaving your
door ajar just in case you need anything.”
    In case someone
attacks me? Did
he really think whoever it was could sneak in here and get to her? She clenched
her hands into fists and tucked them under her arms so he couldn’t see them
    “Thank you,” she
finally managed.
    “See you in the
    She stared at his
retreating figure, a maelstrom of emotions churning inside her. What a fucking

    Chapter Three
    Rina didn’t expect
sleep to come easily, despite being exhausted down to the bone. Her body,
however, had a mind of its own. She was still sorting through the jumble in her
brain when she drifted off. She dreamed, and in her dream someone was
screaming. She kept trying to reach them, but the screaming went on and on.
    Someone was shaking
her, hard, their fingers pressing into her arms like steel bands. Whoever it
was wouldn’t let her get to whoever was screaming.
    “Rina. Wake up. Now.”
    She dragged her eyes
open and realized the screams were coming from her. Gun tucked in the waistband
of his sweat pants, McCall sat beside her, shaking her with both hands. She was
covered with sweat, the T-shirt sticking to her body like a second skin.
    “What? What is it?”
She couldn’t seem to make her mouth or her brain work properly.
    “You were screaming
the house down.” His hands still gripped her. “Are you okay? I thought someone had
gotten in here.”
    “Oh, God.” She scrubbed
her face with her hands. “I was having a dream, but I don’t remember what it
was. Someone was screaming.”
    “That would be you.
Are you okay? Let me get you some water.” He left her for a moment and returned
with a full tumbler. “Drink this. It will help your throat. It must be sore as
    She nodded, surprised
at the strained gentleness in his voice, and sipped at the water. She felt like
the biggest idiot. “I don’t know what happened. I never have dreams like that.
I certainly never scream in my sleep.” She looked past him to the other room. “Did
everyone hear me?”
    He shook his head. “If
any of the hotel guests heard you, they probably thought it was the television.
I got to you right away. Everyone here is gone but me. They’ll be back in the
    She tried on a weak
smile. “So they left you to be the babysitter.”
    He shrugged. “Might
as well get started.”
    “McCall.” She wet her
lips with the tip of her tongue and tried to still her galloping heart. “I just
want to tell you I’m sorry you got stuck with this. I’m sure you must hate it.”
    Heat flared in his
eyes, bright and sharp, and in the slanting light from the other room, she
could see his body tense. So he hadn’t forgotten that night after all.
Reflexively, her eyes dropped to his crotch, the tent in his sweat pants
unmistakable. Dear lord, she was in trouble.
    “No problem,” he said
at last. “I do what needs to be done. Why don’t you lie down and let me cover
you up. You’re shaking.”
    She knew it but couldn’t
seem to control the trembling. Obediently, she lay back on the pillows, and he
pulled the covers up, leaning over to tuck them under her chin. The heat rolling
off his body warmed her bones. She felt the strength in his hands, their touch
raising her internal thermostat and releasing a flood of moisture between her
    Oh, God, I’m about to
embarrass myself.
    Their faces inches
apart, their eyes locked, hers wide and still frightened, McCall’s dark and bottomless. A muscle jumped in his cheek. That night
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