Did I Mention I Won The Lottery?
then - well she simply had to watch her bank account until it
increased by the sum of 15.7 million pounds.
    ‘Will it take
    ‘Oh heavens,
no,’ answered Leslie. ‘You’ll have the money in your account by the
end of the week.’
    Rebecca sat
    ‘The end of
this week?’
    ‘All of
    ‘All of
    Rebecca tried
to imagine her bank statement showing 15.7 million pounds but
simply couldn’t. It had never held more than £500.
    ‘Are you
alright Rebecca?’
anxious voice penetrated the fog of swirling numbers and Rebecca
shook herself.
    ‘Yes, I’m fine.
It’s just - Oh God 15.7 million pounds -it’s a lot isn’t it?’
    Leslie laughed
again. ‘It certainly is but you mustn’t worry. We have a team of
people who can advise you. Whatever you’re thinking off,
investments, bequests, inheritance…we can get you on the right
    ‘Right,’ said
Rebecca faintly. ‘Well I think I may need to speak to someone.’
    ‘Of course you
will,’ Leslie said firmly, ‘but not right now Rebecca. Don’t make
any quick decisions. If you don’t want to go public…’
    ‘I don’t,’
interrupted Rebecca.
    ‘I know, I
know. All I was going to say is if you’re not going public tell as
few people as possible. Let it sink in before you decide what to do
with it all. It can be overwhelming and as soon as everyone finds
out they’ll all be telling you how to spend it.’
    ‘I’m keeping it
very quiet,’ confirmed Rebecca. ‘Very quiet.’
    ‘Good. Right,
where do you want to meet the lottery advisor? We can arrange for
him to come to your home. We could meet away from the home, even
your bank if you want to make it a little bit more official.’
    ‘Not at home! I
mean, the neighbours -you know how nosey neighbours can be.’
    ‘No problem.
Have you any ideas?’
    Rebecca thought
for a moment. Her mind was still whirling with the thought of a
bank account showing several million pounds. It was difficult to
think clearly.
    ‘Leeds,’ she
blurted out, ‘I want to meet in Leeds.’
    ‘Okay. Any idea
    Not really,
Rebecca didn’t have a clue what she was doing.
    ‘Er… I’m going
to be in Leeds for a couple of days this week. Can I let you know
when I’ve booked my hotel and we could maybe meet there?’
    ‘Absolutely no
problem Rebecca. You’ve got my number. When you’re sorted let me
know. If we can meet on say Wednesday, the money will be in your
bank by Friday.’
    Rebecca’s head
was whirling again.
    ‘15.7 million
    ‘That’s right
Rebecca - 15.7 million pounds in your bank account by Friday.

    When Rebecca
told them at work that she needed to take a few days off there was
a little mewl of distress from Carol who owned the Deli. With
flushed cheeks Rebecca lied and said that her mother wasn’t very
well and she needed to go to Leeds and visit her for a couple of
days. At which point Carol and Susie both put their arms around
Rebecca and told her it wasn’t a problem at all, of course they
could manage, hadn’t it turned out all right the week before when
Susie had been ill? She must go and not give them a second thought
and even whilst Rebecca’s heart turned with shame at her lies and
their concern she nodded her head and let them hug her and offer
her support.
    ‘It’ll do you
good anyway,’ offered Susie in the lovely Geordie accent that
Rebecca had taken almost two years to fully understand. ‘A couple
of days away from Mr Nobby.’
    Carol nudged
Susie in her ribs but Rebecca didn’t mind. They had never known
Daniel as she had, when he had been relaxed and happy, when they
were a young couple with two adorable children. The only Daniel
they had ever met was the pompous, self-absorbed man he had become,
constantly lecturing and berating, full of his own ideas with a
mind that was completely closed to anyone else’s thoughts or
opinions. Rebecca didn’t mind because she agreed with Susie, a
couple of
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