Did I Mention I Won The Lottery?
before Rebecca had won 15.7 million pounds. A few keystrokes later
and she had decided on Quebecs Hotel, still in the centre of Leeds
but this time in a room that was quite rightly classed as
luxurious. With damask curtains, a king size bed, TV, a small
sitting area and a selection of toiletries that rivalled the
contents of Rebecca’s complete bathroom, it was a far cry from the
usual comfortable and practical room Rebecca would occupy.
    She lifted the
phone with a heart that was thumping and a few minutes later it was
done. Rebecca was booked into the luxurious Quebecs hotel for a
minimum of 3 nights with the option to extend. She put the phone
down and wiped the sweat from her forehead.
    If it was going
to take this much out of her spending a few hundred pounds, how on
earth would she cope with spending 15.7 million! She patted the
credit card, probably in shock after so long in the shoe box and
stretched out in the chair smiling. It was only a few nights in a
decent hotel but it was a glimpse of the life ahead and Rebecca had
a feeling she was going to enjoy it.
    By the time
Daniel came home, slamming the door behind him in temper, Rebecca
had booked a train ticket, first class of course, phoned Sarah to
let her know she would be in Leeds for a couple of days and phoned
her Mum at the nursing home to say she would be popping in to visit
her. She had phoned Leslie and arranged to see the Lottery adviser
at Quebecs hotel on Wednesday morning. The little account which was
soon to hold 15.7 million pounds had been opened in Leeds many
years earlier and she had also made an appointment to see her bank
manager to warn him of the unexpected boost to her bank balance.
She had packed a small case with a few essentials, not too many
because she had every intention of visiting the shops while she was
in Leeds and she was ready to leave.

Rebecca went away for a few days she would make Daniel a meal for
each night she was away and put them in the freezer. She didn’t
think he had ever said thank you.
    ‘Bec, where are
    Every night the
same question, every night the same answer. Rebecca would be in the
kitchen making the evening meal, even if her own shift had only
finished a few minutes before Daniel came home. She heard the keys
and change hit the table and heard his footsteps stamp into the
for…Bec, where are you. What’s for tea? What are you doing?’
    Rebecca stayed
where she was in the conservatory and took a sip of her wine.
Another bottle of Pinot Grigio, the bottle well hidden in the
    ‘I’m in here,’
she sang out as Daniel loomed in the doorway.
happening? What are you doing in here? Why are you drinking and
what’s for tea?’
    His voice rose
indignantly on each question as he waited for Rebecca to
    ‘I’ve been too
busy to think about tea. There’s some chicken in the freezer if you
want to make something or the menu for the Chinese is next to the
    Rebecca stayed
in her seat, watching with interest as Daniels face coloured from
brow to neck as he watched her sitting in the chair drinking
    ‘You expect me
to work hard all day and then come home and make my own tea! What’s
wrong with you? Don’t tell me you had a bad day at the Deli,’ he
sneered, ‘too many people wanting a pot of tea at the same
    Rebecca didn’t
answer straight away. She was watching the dull flush of colour
spread across Daniel’s face.
    ‘Actually I’ve
been packing, my mum’s not well.’
    For a moment
she saw a little glimmer of fear in Daniel’s eyes. It had been
years since he had bothered to accompany Rebecca when she visited
her mum but he lived in terror of the day when he might be expected
to join her.
    Gwen’s opinion
of her son in law had never been particularly high, even when
Rebecca had loved him with all of her heart and he had carried the
children on his shoulders around Gwen’s garden. ‘Weak’, she
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