herself being hauled into the air and thrown over his shoulder. Destiny had no illusions of the kind of woman she was, and she certainly knew her rounded curves categorized her as the type not meant for carrying.
She struggled as his broad shoulder dug into her midsection and her blouse flopped forward off of her back. His right arm banded around the back of her knees as she tried to kick free.
The sharp sound of his hand smacking down on her ass was followed by an even sharper sting blooming under her jeans. “Stop it.”
Her breasts jostled as he began to move. She twisted and stared longingly at her forgotten coat. She deflated over his shoulder. Her hair spilled down and dangled just at the waist of his pants. Fighting him was useless.
As he carried her down the mountain, several things occurred to her. She was no longer cold. His body was like an oven. He also smelled good. For a caveman type of guy, he certainly didn’t smell like he lived in the woods.
Then there was his stamina. Even a football player would be winded by now. Destiny had never been a slight-figured girl. Her hips had always been a little too wide and her breasts ridiculously big. Even when she was a size twelve, she appeared larger. Her short stature didn’t help much either.
She was five foot one and a quarter inch, and that quarter inch counted. She thanked the fashion gods that designers now realized that not just grandmothers and maidenly women were plus-sized. Destiny loved clothing. She loved sexy shoes and feminine fabrics.
Growing up not fitting into the American stereotypical blue-eyed, blonde-haired, perfect B cup, size six had really messed with her head, especially when any clothing beyond a size ten was made out of discarded table cloth prints for women in their forties.
The arrival of curvaceous beauties in Hollywood really did something phenomenal for plus-sized fashion. She now could buy trendy clothing just as easily as a petite girl, well maybe not as easily, but it was definitely easier than shopping was years ago. However, the ease of finding something pretty that fit might have added to a few additional curves she otherwise would have tried harder to avoid.
She was currently a mildly confident, only sometimes self-loathing, size sixteen. She liked to think of herself as a modern-day Marilyn, but with some Latin flavor and bigger boobs and a slightly thicker waist. She sighed.
She was being effortlessly toted off to some hidden location by a stranger, and she still somehow managed to poke at her self-esteem. And the question that started this line of thinking still remained. How the hell was he carrying her so far without ever getting winded?
She folded her arms along his back and under her cheek as she dangled upside down. Her head was still throbbing, and her back burned, and she was pretty sure her ass bore a sizable handprint. But she was warm. Wherever he was taking her, she needed to be prepared for anything once she got there. So she shut her eyes and tried to rest until that time came.
Chapter 2
A door slammed, and Destiny came awake. Before she opened her eyes, the musty, unfamiliar smell of her surroundings filled her with trepidation. She groaned as she hoisted her head off of the flat pillow and opened her eyes. She was in a dark room, the walls nothing but wooden panels.
She strained to lift her head and awkwardly squinted at her surroundings. A utilitarian table was pressed into the far corner, and a lantern sat dimly flickering on the surface, casting a small pool of golden light over the room. There was a black-brimmed hat hanging cockeyed off the tall back of one of two wooden chairs. Curtains hung sparingly from the solitary window, and she realized it was nighttime.
Her neck was stiff, and she turned. The cabin appeared to consist of one room. She was on a bed. Her confusion grew as she realized she was alone. Where had her captor slash hero gone? The sound of heavy footsteps had her dropping