Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)

Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A K Michaels
club was even busier than before and she wondered how these folk got up for work in the mornings.
    They retraced their steps out to the big steel door. Duncan opened it and first went out to check all was okay. “Cannae see, sense or smell anythin bad. That is apart fae the usual crap in the alley,” he told them. Zach took Alex by the hand and led her to the SUV where she had to climb to get up into the seat, with help from Zach.
    He then went back, grabbed Duncan in a bear hug and said his goodbyes. He joined her in the car and they took off for her apartment. Duncan stayed watching until they had left the alley.
    Once they were back in familiar territory she began to give him directions. He stopped her. “Alexina, I’ve been watching you for a number of days. I know where you live.”
    Startled, she asked “How long and was it only you or has anyone else been ‘watching’ me?”
    Zach answered with a slight smile. “About four days. It’s only been me. I don’t need that much sleep and when I did need to rest I just had a catnap in here while parked outside your building.”
    Alex’s mind started to think of that and there were some questions she had. So she took the bull by the horns and asked “Sorry, I’m a bit confused and would like to ask some questions as in, are you not a Vampire and therefore asleep during the day? Don’t you have to stay out of the sun? Although I know here in Scotland we don’t get much of that, but daylight? Don’t you have to stay out of it, I mean?”
    Zach did that little smile again and lo and behold she got bloody butterflies in her stomach again. What the hell was going on with her today?
    “ Alexina, I understand you have some preconceptions regarding Vampires so I will give you some truths rather than the Hollywood film versions. No, I don’t need to stay out of the daylight. It won’t make me burst into flames although if I am in direct sunlight for any length of time it can make me tired. Newly turned or young Vampires do tend to stay out of the sunlight as it can make them feel ill, but again they won’t burst into flames. The older a Vampire gets, the more tolerance they have. Are there any more questions you would like to ask, although we are nearly at your place so you may want to wait until we’re on the jet?”
    Alex looked out the window and realised they were just round the corner from her apartment. “Think we should wait. I have to phone my aunt and get some stuff together for this ‘trip’. I’ll use my phone to send a quick email to my boss too. I’ll say theres’ been a family emergency, give me a minute. ” She was done in less than that, her fingers flying over the small keyboard.
    He parked, then they got out and approached the main door to the apartment building. It was a relatively new building on the outskirts of the city and she only rented it. Even the furniture came with the let.
    She had very few personal possessions and even less that were important to her. In fact only one thing that she would not have left without.
    As they entered the building, she saw a very tall woman. In fact she would go so far as to say ‘girl’. She had the most distinctive white-blonde, very long hair that Alex had seen.
    She was as pale as a ghost and stick thin. She was dressed in a long skirt, flip-flops and an ornate blouse which had abstract symbols embroidered on it. The closer they got to her, the more Alex had a feeling that Zach knew her.
    As they came alongside her Zach spoke. “Hi Arielle, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a very long time. Belgium wasn’t it?”
    The woman with the long blonde hair gave Zach a long look before replying. “Yes Zachariah, indeed it was Belgium. Nasty business that was.” The softness of the voice didn’t go with the age-old knowledge Alex saw in this female’s eyes.
    Zach smiled. “Indeed,” he replied.
    Arielle started talking again, barely looking at Alex and directing her words to Zach. “The
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