Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)

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Book: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A K Michaels
food in his hands. “Thought ye might need some nourishment tae, little miss. Afraid it’s just fae the takeaway roon the corner but so long as yer no a vegetarian then burger n chips is the best I could dae at short notice.”
    Alex was touched that he had thought to get her something to eat and thanked him. Duncan turned to Zach. “Zach, room number two in the private section an there’s someone waitin for ye.”
    Zach walked to the door before speaking. “Thank you my friend. I won’t be long Alexina, and then we will be on our way.”
    Duncan took his seat behind the rather messy desk and Alex looked at the food in her hand. She realised that she was hungry and was surprised. She didn’t think with all that had happened that she would be thinking of food. However, the smell of the freshly cooked burger wafted up her nostrils and she started to scarf it down.
    “It’s nice tae see a lassie enjoyin her food. Nooadays they all seem tae be on diets oh one sort or the other,” Duncan commented.
    Alex started to laugh and Duncan was bemused as to why. She finally stopped and answered. “Well firstly Duncan, I am not a lassie, I haven’t been called that in many a year. I’m nearly forty, though I sometimes think ‘what the hell’ and wonder where the years have gone. Secondly, I just love my food too much to worry about dieting, hence the ample behind on me.” She was sort of joking but in her mind she was a rather plump, nearly middle-aged woman who didn’t have a lot going for her.
    Duncan gave her a long look before he came back at her with “Alex, in oor world yer a child. I know ye will probably have figured oot Zach is very very old, however, I’m also pretty old. I’m over a hundred and fifty years old, so tae me, aye, yer definitely a lassie. Regarding whit ye call yer ‘ample behind’, let me tell ye most oh us guys do NOT want skin n bone warming us at night! Yer a very beautiful woman an ye should also be proud oh yersel. The way ye seem to be handlin all oh this is quite astonishing. Most oh the humans I know wid be curled in the corner crying their eyes oot right about noo. Ye seem to be a very strong person an I don’t mean in the brawn way that I’m strong, yer strong inside, I can sense it. I’m glad tho, cause lassie, I think yer gonna need that strength.”
    Alex looked at Duncan and saw the sincerity in his eyes of what he had just said and for the second time that night she blushed.
    “Thank you Duncan, although I have said this before today I will say it again – you’re looking good for your age.” And they both started to laugh.
    She suddenly felt a bit more relaxed. She was surprised that a man, or in fact a Werewolf she corrected herself, that seemed to be as big and tough and actually came across as quite scary, could be so candid with her and make her feel safe too.
    This man-mountain had a power about him. Something she hadn’t felt before, but it was one that made her feel secure and calm. It was very strange indeed.
    Alex had barely finished her burger and a second Jack Daniels when Zach returned. He seemed to relax when he saw Alex was fine and Duncan didn’t miss that. “The lassie is fine Zach. Ye know I wouldna hae let anythin happen tae her.” Duncan’s tone was a bit reproachful.
    Zach smiled and just nodded his head at him. He put his hand out to Alex and pulled her up from the sofa. God he isn’t cold, she thought. Aren’t Vampires supposed to be cold?
    Well if they were then he was different because he felt just right to her.
    “ Thank you again my friend and don’t take so long to visit this time.”
    Duncan just harrumphed and replied. “Hell its ye that’s no been back on these bonny shores in over a hundred years! Why dae I hae tae keep visitin yersel?”
    “Yes but you like America so much don’t you?” Zach laughed. “That I do ma friend, that I do,” Duncan replied.
    They left the office and the music assaulted Alex’s ears once more. The
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