Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)

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Book: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: A K Michaels
property has been completely cleansed and warded and all is safe. For the moment.”
    ‘ For the moment’ – what the hell did that mean? Alex was thinking. Zach too, obviously, as he asked. “So it may not remain so? What is it that you have detected, Arielle, and how long do we have?”
    Arielle looked worried, which in turn worried Zach. He had known this Witch, this very powerful Witch, for many years and he didn’t think he had seen this worry in her before.
    Even her tone was worried as she replied “I cannot be certain Zachariah, as I have never come across it before, which concerns me. Concerns me greatly. It is not another Witch, Mage, Vampire or even a Wolf. I can tell you what it is not. What I can’t tell you is what it is,” Arielle finished and Zach scowled.
    How can that be? Zach thought. There is nothing that Arielle cannot deal with. How could she not know?
    She continued “All I can say is that whatever it is, it is powerful and the only other word I can use is evil.”
    Zach and Alex looked at each other – the woods – the smoke thing. They had both felt the evilness that was there.
    Zach addressed Arielle. “I think Alexina and I have had a fleeting encounter with this thing, in the woods earlier. However, I grabbed Alexina and moved us away before it materialised properly. But the overwhelming feeling that was there was evil.”
    Arielle frowned before continuing on. “Zachariah, I think yourself and Alexina had a lucky escape. This is not something to be trifled with. I have a lot of work to do so I will have to go now. As for how long you have in the building? Well I would not like to give a time period. All I will say is get in and get what is required and then leave. Quickly.”
    Zach moved towards the woman. “Thank you once again for your assistance Arielle. Goodbye and safe travel.” Zach gave her a short hug and then Arielle said goodbye and left, not even looking in Alex’s direction.
    Alex had been standing to the side of the two of them while they spoke. Unfortunately, the more she heard the more anxious she became. Her heart sped up and her breathing became shallower. She was beginning to feel light-headed when she felt Zach’s arms close around her. There was that tingling sensation again?
    “Please don’t worry little one, I will make sure you are safe, please trust me,” he said softly.
    ‘ Little one’ – he did NOT just call her ‘little one’. Her anger rushed to the surface. She may be small but she was nobody’s ‘little one’.
    She pushed away from him and turned around to face him, anger in her voice as she all but shouted at him. “Okay, alright, you may be a hundred gazillion years old but do NOT treat me like a child! I am not yours or anyone else’s ‘little one’. I am a grown woman and I deserve to be treated as one. I may not have much knowledge when it comes to Vampires, Witches and God knows whatever else but I refuse to be talked down to. Do you understand? You got that mister!” and she gave him a very large poke in the chest.
    She pushed past him and made her way up the stairs to her apartment, anger evident in her every movement.
    She went in and got a small suitcase and started to throw stuff in. She didn’t really care what went in, she was still riled up.
    She turned to go to her dresser and Zach was standing in the doorway with just a hint of a smirk on his face. Which made her even madder.
    She got the one thing that was actually important to her from her mother’s locked steel box which was in the bottom drawer. A piece of jewellery her mother had put around her neck the last time they saw each other. She put it in the suitcase and then found her passport. “Okay, I’m ready to go,” she told Zach, who was still in the same position with the same look on his face.
    Just as they came out of her bedroom she stopped dead. Zach looked at her expectantly waiting on her to follow him but she just dropped her case and
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