The Magic Book series, book 1
asked, remembering that Felicity had
seemed unwell yesterday.
    “Can I get a
tissue please?” she answered.
    “Of course. I
have some by my chair in the classroom. Come straight back won’t
    “I will,” she
said over her shoulder as she headed out of the hall.
    Back in the
classroom, Felicity found that the box of tissues was empty. Now
urgently looking around the room for an alternative, it came to
mind that she had a little packet of them in her book bag. As she
pulled open her drawer, she gasped and recoiled, snatching her
hands to her body. Lying there, rocking slightly - was the book!
The very one she had seen Mrs Vincent lock away in Lost Property
just that morning. What was it doing back in her drawer?
spooked, she forgot all about the tissues, slammed the drawer shut
again and ran back to the hall as fast as she could.

    Rounding a
corner far too quickly, she skidded to a halt just in time to
narrowly miss a collision with Mr Peters, their Head Teacher.
    “Wow! Slow down
young lady. What’s the rush?” he asked good-humouredly.
thought for a split second about telling the truth as to why she
was running, but it would sound like an absurd excuse so she just
said, “Sorry Mr Peters, I went to get a tissue and was getting back
to PE as soon as I could.” It was only then that she realised she
was still in need of one as she dabbed at her nose with the back of
her sleeve – her mother wouldn’t be happy!

    “Well, I think
Mrs Vincent would prefer it if you got back in one piece, so how
about walking the rest of the way, eh?”
    “Yes Mr
Peters,” Felicity answered, looking down at her shoes shyly.
    Back once again
in the sports hall, it took all of her willpower not to blab her
news to Sophie there and then, but she knew she’d get into trouble
so she’d just have to wait. Finally she got her chance as they went
back to the changing rooms.
    “Sophie, you
know when I went for a tissue?”
    “You’ll never
guess! The book is back in my drawer. It was sort of wriggling,
little tiny wriggles!” Felicity squeaked excitedly, adding, “It
must be magic - how else could it have escaped a locked
    Sophie’s face
instantly lit up with excitement, “Do you think the fairies are
trying to get out? What did you do? Did you see them? Where’s the
book now?” she had so many questions her mind was spinning.
    “No, well, it
made me jump so much I just shut the drawer and ran,” confessed
Felicity, feeling more than a bit silly now.
    “Oh you wally!”
Sophie teased. “Let’s get changed super quickly,” she continued,
already squirming out of her PE kit. “We might just have time to
sneak a look.” The girls had never changed so fast. In fact they
beat everyone else!
    “Well done
girls,” congratulated Mrs Vincent. “You can each collect a merit
card today.”
    “Maybe it’s
turning out to be a good day after all,” smiled Sophie happily.
    With the PE
kits put back on their hooks, they secreted themselves away in the
classroom to check on the book. They only hoped Mrs Vincent
wouldn’t see them with it, or she would think they had broken into
her cupboard and stolen it. Then they really would have some
serious explaining to do! For Felicity, a run in with Mr Peters was
quite enough trouble for one day.
    Their pulses
raced with excitement as they retrieved the book from Felicity’s
    “Quick, let the
fairies out!” urged Sophie.
    Leaning back
slightly, as if expecting one to suddenly fly out, Felicity opened
the book with quivering hands, only to find all the pages were
blank except for the poems. “Oh no, the pictures have already gone,
we’re too late,” Felicity whined.
    Sophie started
glancing hopefully about the room and even under the drawer unit,
just in case they were hiding there.
    “Oh, if only I
hadn’t been such a cowardy custard and had opened the book instead
of running away. Stupid…! Stupid….!”
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