Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives

Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives Read Online Free PDF
Author: Deandre Dean
down, not Mark.
    His eyes saw her face and he crumbled under her powerful words.
    Mark says, “Oh shit. I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I’m sorry.”
    Ginger fakes smiles and states, “No need to apologize. I blamed you for two years for something that wasn’t your fault. I have come to the realization that I owe you an apology. I truly am sorry.”
    Mark answers, “It is all water under the bridge. The past is just that a distant memory. Let’s move on.”
    She smiled for real, nodded.
    Chapter Twenty:
    The plan was to leave first thing the next morning. She told everything to Luke after Mark walked away and left without a goodbye.
    They were making progress. Allowing the past two no longer haunt them. Maybe now they could be friends, true friends. Lupio, Jurnee, and Penny were coming with them to Lunar Sci Gomar.
    She was finally ready to go back and face her past, to stop living with guilt and regret. No longer would Diego’s death haunt her. She was dealing with the loss of Lucy, and now Ginger needed to move forward on everything.
    After Penny casted the spell to open up a portal, the place was exactly the same as she remembered. This had once been her home, and she felt joy. Ginger couldn’t comprehended why she was so scared. And of what? Remembering she had a fantastic first boyfriend.
    The small town seemed to have a air of despair. The death of Lucy hadn’t just affected her.
    Mark appeared from an empty house with a man of superior height. Hassan Langdon was a 28 year old Lebanese demon. The man worked as an entomologist, which was surprising because he was a giant.
    No seriously , he was tall. He was 6’5, and as big as Mark.
    She thought, “No wonder they are friends. The man is staked little house. Just like Mark.”
    Ginger fought back laughter as Hassan was a palace council, one of three that replaced Lucy.
    She nodded as he explained Brutus Vladmir Creed has returned. The man may be Caleb’s uncle, but was a nightmare.
    Brutus is the one calling the shots. No one sees the king but him, for security reasons. All orders must be cleared through the executive chief, Brutus.
    Ginger sighs and asks, “I need to see Caleb alone.”
    Hassan states, “That is nearly impossible.”
    Penny smiles and says, “Call me Sabrina because I am about to make magic.”
    The small group followed him to the secret entrance, since no way would Brutus allowed them to visit Caleb.
    Chapter Twenty-One:
    Things had changed more dramatic then she first imagined.
    She wondered, “What happened?”
    Jurnee says, “Maybe Hassan and Penny can wait somewhere while the rest of us go in.”
    Penny snaps, “Oh no. I am not standing on the sidelines. We discussed this.”
    Jurnee replies, “Maybe now is not the time.”
    Penny snarls, “Screw that. All right everyone. Big news! I am pregnant. She used her blood infused with a spell, and surprise I am having a supernatural miracle.”
    Ginger gasps.
    Mark smiles.
    Lupio claps.
    Mark says, “That is some surprise.”
    Lupio answers, “Congrats guys. This is amazing.”
    Penny replies, “It is, once my girlfriend stops treating me like a fragile toy. By the way, I ain’t having this child out of wed lock. Once we leave here, we are getting married.”
    The poise Jurnee jumps into Penny’s arms pulls her in for a deep kiss. Penny breaks the kiss and looks into her eyes deeply.
    Jurnee says, “Of course I’ll marry you my delightful princess.”
    Hassan states, “This is all wonderful but guys we are trying to break into a heavily guarded castle.”
    Ginger stops smiling and says, “Right. Let’s move.”
    Mark grins and responds, “You heard the lady.”
    They all continue to a private chamber. The room is a small office room that use to be one of Lucy’s board rooms. Ginger use to wait outside reading when Lucy came out all grins about meetings and power
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