decisions. The woman was one of a kind.
Ginger thought, “We’ll fix this Lucy, in your honor. I promise.”
Mark asks, “What’s the plan?”
All eyes turned to her.
Once again others blindly followed her and that scared her some.
Ginger states, “I’ll go in alone. Penny, Lupio, and Mark will link minds with me no we all can communicate incase things go south.”
Lupio says, “Okay, be safe. I have control now.”
Ginger nods and responds, “I know. We can discuss this later.”
Guadalupe sighs.
Ginger states, “Lupio. I know you’re awesome and been fishing to use your new abilities but today isn’t practical unless we’re force to defended ourselves.”
He nodded.
Chapter Twenty -Two:
Turning into a shadow before gliding through the castle, she used a cloaking spell to mask her presence from all the demon guards.
Finding Caleb’s room was simple, but she sensed magic around the door. Simply going through solid material was no longer a viable plan.
Ginger went to a room next to his, which was easy in a palace. She turned back to her human form and touched the wall adjacent to his and used her mind. It was like her psionic and telekinesis fused together and she shifted from one side to the other.
Thank you, Spider. The man had taught her that all matter is controlled by the mind. She wills time to her bidding and made the wall temporarily un-exist. So therefore the wall was prior to being built, and she walked from one room to the other.
She was growing stronger with each passing day.
Caleb lied on the bed looking like death was about to come knocking on his door. He had a full grown caveman beard, hair unruly and overgrown. The man looked bad, but oddly smelled clean. Must be a spell, who did this to him?
She openly allowed the tears to flow and she reached out and grasps his hand. Ginger squeezed but it was like he was brain dead, she relayed this to the others telepathically.
Penny suggested she enter his thoughts.
Maybe she hoped to get through. Ginger relaxed her mind and slowly slipped inside like a deep slumber. All the room faded away and Caleb was chained to the bed suddenly, thrashing against the bindings.
Ginger runs back towards this bed where her friend was at least active. She touched his cheek and his furious gaze - soften when he looked at her.
He spoke with a stutter, “Gin-ng-er?”
Ginger smiled as tears fell.
She states, “I’m here. Let me help you.”
She used all her mind to break the bed, chains to restore this thin damaged man to the image she remembers.
Caleb says, “Thank you. My uncle did this to me. He must pay.”
Ginger grins and replies, “And we will.”
Chapter Twenty-Three:
Leaving his mind, Ginger was stunned when she saw she wasn’t alone. The tall man with a beard and the powerful gaze narrowed it onto her.
The splitting image of Caleb, but just an older version.
He says, “Ginger Solis. I am Brutus Creed.”
Ginger snarls, “I know who you are. A monster!”
He smirks and looks at Caleb.
Brutus responds, “Oh that, that is for his own safety.”
He coughs and the stunned look on Brutus’ face is priceless.
Ginger snaps, “Cat got your tongue?”
Brutus smiles and says, “I heard from an old friend you are powerful. But this is incredible. No one has been able to break her spells before.”
Ginger asks, “Her?”
He grins.
Brutus states, “You don’t know everything? How refreshing?”
He begins to laugh.
Caleb yells, “Guards.”
The doors fly open and six armored men march in. They surrounded them.
Brutus smiles and states, “Yes. Do get this rift raft out of the palace.”
Ginger grins and replies, “I didn’t come alone.”
Brutus smirks.
He responds, “Oh, I know. I was given containment spells to trap them. They are in this orb.”