Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1)

Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amey Coleman
tell you, but what is the fun in that?” Molly rhetorically asked.
                  “How would you like it if I took your cap and gown?” I counter asked.
                  “Mom! Milly is threatening to hide our cap and gown!” Holly and Molly yelled together.
                  “I did not!” I defended.
                  Carolyn stomped up the stairs and with a heaviness in her breath she said, “Milly do not threaten my daughters.”
                  “They hid my cap and gown!” I yelled.
                  “My daughters would not do such a thing,” she said.
                  “Oh right, because they are so perfect,” I sarcastically stated.
                  “They are!” she defended.
                  “Well, if they are so perfect, then how come I am still virgin?”
                  She looked at them, from what seemed to be her look of ‘ you better tell me the truth now!’.
                  I looked at my watch to see the time. Then I exclaimed, “Oh crap! I am going to miss the bus!”
                  I grabbed my purse and ran outside to see the bus leaving. I knew it still had a few more stops before reaching the school, so I tried to run down a couple blocks to get there in time. But to my demise, the bus had been unusually fast today.
                  I threw up my hands and growled at the sky, “Just my luck!”
                  I took a seat on the curb of the road debating whether or not to call Carolyn. I decided to call her, despite my hatred for her right now, “Hey, I missed the bus. Can you give me a ride to school?”
                  “Oh, sorry, I am already taking my girls to school,” she said before hanging up on me.
                  “She must be taking a different route. I did not see her come this way,” I said to myself.
                  I watched the ants on the ground and it reminded of when my grandpa told me how he rode on the back of a dragon that had the head of a dragon, wings like a bird, and a body of an ant. It made me wonder if I could the same, just with a thousand ants. I laughed at my own thoughts, and decided to walk to school.
                  The sky started to get dark, and I looked up to see the dark clouds rolling in. I did not feel like getting my hair and make-up ruined, so I decided to bolt for school. I ran as fast as I could before the storm hit. I kept looking at my watch and seen it move faster than my feet.
                  The clouds started to look heavier than ever. I felt as if I was in the race of my life. I kept running, and up behind I heard a car slow to a stop. I turned to see why, and noticed Mason. He came up beside me and rolled down his window. He leaned across the passenger seat and popped the door open, “Get in.”
                  To me, it sounded more like a demand versus the polite way of saying , “Would you like a ride?” I let it pass, because I felt the sprinkle of rain begin. I quickly got in and said, “Thank you.”
                  He just nodded in return. I stared out the window, listening to silence against the drops of rain. I could feel he was looking at me, so I turned to catch a glimpse of him stealing a glance of me.
                  I smiled a little and asked, “What?”
                  “Nothing,” he replied.
                  “Oh,” I said discerningly.
                  He sighed, and said, “Can I ask you a question?”
                  I quickly turned to him and said with a smile, “Yeah, anything.”
                  “Do you ever wonder if you were meant to do something meaningful in life?”
                  “Yeah, all the time.”
                  “I only ask because
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