Convictions: Kelly and Stephen

Convictions: Kelly and Stephen Read Online Free PDF

Book: Convictions: Kelly and Stephen Read Online Free PDF
Author: Delinda Dewick
son, Will, had come over to feed Max and let him out.  Will loved dogs but didn’t have one of his own so he always looked out for Max when Kelly was gone.  Several years ago she had given Will a key to her back door just for that reason.  Whenever she had to leave town for a book signing, or to meet with her agent, Will would take care of Max, and he almost always came over after school to take him for a walk and play.
    Kelly took a shower.  The steaming hot water washed over her cleansing her, but failed to wash away the feel of Stephen’s touch or any of the new sensations she’d her body had discovered since yesterday.   Dressed in jeans and a long sleeve flannel shirt she put her hair up in a ponytail.  Standing back from the mirror she studied her reflection looking for signs that she had changed overnight. 
    She certainly felt different on the inside, but on the outside, dressed like this she looked every bit the mom of a thirteen year old boy and nothing of the insatiable woman she had been with Stephen.  She smiled at herself in the mirror; just the thought of last night, what they had done, and of the pleasure that Stephen had given her, caused her cheeks to flush.
    Checking the kitchen to make sure there was enough food, she put Max in the Jeep, and headed out to the little airstrip five miles out of town.  If you are coming up from the lower forty-eight, the main airport in South-Eastern Alaska is in Anchorage.  But once in Anchorage prop plane, or boat, is the only way to get anywhere else in the state.  And if you’re in a hurry, there are numerous small entrepreneurs only too happy to fly you for the right price, and weather permitting of course.
    For Kelly, Phyllis, co-owner of Spirit Air, was the person she trusted most and unless she was sick, Phyllis was available most every day.  She’d been piloting the twice daily run between Hanlon’s Airstrip and Ted Stevens International Airport for as long as Kelly had known her.
    Kelly pulled into the parking lot and was putting Max on his leash when she heard the high pitched purr of an incoming Spirit Air prop.  Hopefully all went well with connections and Charlie was on this run.  Otherwise she’d have to come back in five hours for Phyllis’s second run. 
    At thirteen Charlie was pretty mature for his age.  He had no problem flying on his own as he’d been doing it for many years, trips to visit parents and grandparents and so forth.  And in Hanlon everyone knew him, especially Phyllis, from the five years he had been coming up here to visit Kelly.
    Kelly shielded her eyes from the sun and watched as the plane hop its way down the hard packed dirt runway and made its way over to the main hanger, which also served as the terminal.  Walking toward the plane she watched as the steps were lowered and two people followed by the pilot exited the plane.  He was taller but she instantly recognized Charlie as the first one off, waving as soon as he spotted her and Max.  She couldn’t believe how much he had grown in just six months, since he was here at Christmas.               
    Charlie bent over to pet Max and then standing stiffly allowed Kelly to hug him.  “Hi baby how are you.  I can’t believe how much you have grown, did you have good flight?”
    “Yep, it was fine” Charlie mumbled.
    “Hey Kelly!”  Phyllis shouted as she pulled a couple of suitcases out from behind the passenger area.  “Can’t believe how big your boy is getting.  Flight was a little bumpy but he did great.  See you in two weeks!” 
    “Thanks again Phyllis, you are the best!  And I mean it!” Kelly shouted back over the wind gusts.  Phyllis waved and disappeared into the terminal to refill her coffee mug and finish her flight logs.
    Kelly took the smaller of two bags as Charlie picked up the larger.  “Is that all you brought?”
    Charlie mumbled “yep”.
    They loaded his bags in the back of the Jeep and all three hopped in. 
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