Cole: Chrome Horsemen MC

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Book: Cole: Chrome Horsemen MC Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carmen Faye
said honestly.
    Cole caught movement to his right as the middle man began to say, "I wish I could believe…"
    All three of the men felt and acted military or ex-military. Whatever they were, Cole had no trouble believing they were well trained in combat and maneuvers. He thanked whatever god was watching over him that they lacked some ability to think in all three dimensions.
    Cole was standing in a kill box.
    The distance between the three men was so Cole couldn’t get an easy shot at all three of them. It also protected themselves from each other’s line of fire. The setup was for a man who would either come farther into the room or attempt to run out of the room, or, of course, stand there in shock long enough to be executed.
    Instead of going for the man drawing to his right or attempting to outdraw and get one of the men in front, Cole fell backwards, through the white curtain and opened door, rolling as he hit the ground. As his roll reached mid-point, he heard the first gunshot explode inside while he began to draw his 9mm and used his abs and momentum to increase his speed. When his gun came free into his right hand, he was well out past the sliding glass door and laying prone on the deck with his weapon in a two-handed grip.
    A second shot rang out from the same source as before, which sounded and felt fired by the man in the green suit.
    The package was inside. They had their delivery. Why kill him? What was so important?
    Since the value of his life was now deemed less than the contents of the package, his curiosity was piqued.

    Cole was not military nor ex-military, but he did grown up in Chicago in neighborhoods where is wasn't safe to play in the street, where people didn't sit on their porches at sunset or any other time, where it did matter to every child above the age of five what colors he was wearing and on what street he intended to wear them, where gunfights were heard as a matter of course and knife fights were waiting for you after school, instead of something as domestic and suburban as bullies. Cole grew up in a world where just about every violent situation he encountered resulted in him being alone while pitted against three or more assailants.
    At age nineteen, he joined the Chrome Horsemen, which he felt was a solid and respected club of men who were tough as they come and just as mean if pushed. Some of those men didn't need to be pushed all that hard either. A good strong exhale might be enough.
    Cole became an enforcer, then an outrider, and then, five years later, he was placed on the security list. No, he wasn't ex-military and he wasn't trained, but he did have over twenty years of practical experience with close quarters combat against brutal and overwhelming odds. He also had a sharp mind and a vividly clear recall memory.
    He mentally pictured the men inside as they were when he did his backward somersault performance out of the kill box they had waiting for him. He visualized where each man was and where he was moving his center of gravity – which direction was the man moving toward? At the speed of thought, he encouraged his mind to logically progress the movements. If the man on the right, in the green suit, was stepping forward, which he was, visualize him doing so and visualize where he was now if he didn’t change direction.
    In a blur of mental speed, less than a half second, he used these estimations to adjust his aim and then fired blind three times into the stationary glass side of the doorway. Then he rolled to his left, came back to a prone position, and fired three more times into the open area of the door, burning black holes through the white curtain.
    Both attacks were answered with gunfire and shocked screams of pain. Again he rolled, back to his original position, and waited a breath, feeling and listening to the movement inside the room.
    Cole was sure he wounded two of the men, the
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