Cole: Chrome Horsemen MC

Cole: Chrome Horsemen MC Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cole: Chrome Horsemen MC Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carmen Faye
marks and blessing the day they were created.
    "You have to be fucking joking," he snarled into the wind, slamming the vision's replay into mental dust. "Kids? Can you be any more fucking pathetic? Shit!"
    The marina area was coming up fast. He checked the time on his watch, saw it was five minutes after three and drifted the Lowrider into the parking lot. He spotted the pier number he was looking for moments later.
    As he set the bike on its stand, he forbade his mind to even recognize the existence of a blonde woman in the area, let alone return his thoughts to Nicole. Thus decreed, he got off his bike.
    Hiding his actions by using the parked cars on either side and in front of him as blinds, he took his 9mm from his left saddle bag and put it into the small of his back, securing the clip of the holster. He checked his draw, felt it was adequate, and then resettled the gun.
    With the hat tip due to caution observed, he took a breath and relaxed. He reached into the right saddlebag, and removed the large package. He put the package under his left arm and scanned the parking lot, then the marina, spending more time in areas where he felt they would hide in order to observe him.
    "Whoever they are, they’re good," Cole murmured to himself, not spotting a single watcher.
    Their skill level increased his nervousness. If something went down, he may not be good enough to escape, gun or no. That's why I'm being paid the big bucks. he thought with half-felt humor. He walked to the pier and then down its length where three yachts were lashed and secured. His black steel-toed boots tread down the black traction covered pathway making slight gritty sounds. The yacht on the left, the one moored by itself, was where he was supposed to go.
    When he reached the back side of the yacht, a man wearing a loose fitting, light colored beige suit and three days growth of black beard on his face stepped out of a full-sized sliding glass door, brushing aside a very light, white cotton curtain.
    This man made eye contact with him and then nodded. After, he stepped back inside, leaving the door as it was.
    Cole gathered that meaning of the man’s actions indicated he should follow, but Big Jim said nothing about boarding the yacht during his rundown of procedure this morning. Jim said the men in the yacht would meet him on the dock. Cole hesitated, the hairs on the back of his neck bristled.
    He checked around once more, noting to himself the uselessness of that gesture and then stepped solidly onto the patio area of the ship. Once there, within the momentary cover of the door’s white curtain, he adjusted his gun once more and walked in through the glass door with the package in his left hand.
    There were three men inside this room. The room was much larger than Cole expected. There was even a dining table down the center that was designed to seat a party of eight.
    One of the men was close to the sliding glass door and to his right. This man wore a light green suit similar in style and cut to the first man's. The other new man was almost directly in front of Cole, also wearing a similar suit, though his was light blue.
    The one who stepped outside was to Cole’s right, but back into the room with the man in blue. They looked and felt European. They had not spoken yet, so he couldn't verify that, but the feeling was strong. They also felt military. The spacing between these three was wide and also felt planned.
    "You have not opened the package? It remains inviolate?" The man asking the question was the one in the middle, between his friends, the one who motioned him inside. His Slavic accent was heavy. Cole believed it felt Prague-ish, but he didn't possess any experience beyond watching action movies to make a better guess.
    "Yes, and here," he said, offering the package with his left hand.
    "No, curiosity? No interest?" the same man asked.
    "No. I couldn’t care less," he
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