Club Nexus (Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective)

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Book: Club Nexus (Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective) Read Online Free PDF
Author: E.J. Stevens
away, or at
least stammer a warning to Ivy who was ordering our drinks, but my body had
gone on strike, completely disconnecting from my brain.  Anger and desire stole
the words from my lips and I continued to face the demon head on.
    When it came to Forneus, I admit, I have issues.
    I desperately wanted to kiss the man and shoot him in equal
parts.  That’s the problem with the demon lawyer.  He is so frustratingly
attractive and yet every time he opens his mouth I feel the urge to wipe that
smug smile off his face—with a sledgehammer.  Every move of his powerful body,
every gesture of his slender hands, and every leer down his aquiline nose sent
waves of heat down into my belly and made my blood boil.
    Yes, I should definitely shoot him.
    Since Forneus was a demon, he’d probably survive the
shooting, might even enjoy it if I hadn’t dipped my crossbow bolts in holy
water before leaving the loft.  I slipped my hand from the bar and reached over
my shoulder to where my crossbow was slung, keeping my eyes on the demon.  My
fingers traced the handle of the weapon and I licked my lips in anticipation.
    Forneus approached from the side opposite Ivy and slid an
arm around my waist.  Warmth spread through me and need spiraled low in my
belly.  As if sensing my desire, a knowing smile lifted his lips and heat
simmered in his eyes.
    I shifted in my seat, giving Forneus a leer of my own, and
froze.  Ivy, glowing wildly like a fourth of July sparkler, was there in a
flash, holding a knife to Forneus’ throat.  Damn, she was fast—and pissed.
    Even if her glowing skin hadn’t given away my friend’s
agitation, then the sheen of sweat on her upper lip and her rapid breathing
would have been a clear indication of just how much Ivy loathed the idea of
coming this close to touching an immortal demon.  Well, when it came to this
particular demon that was something we both had in common.
    And it wasn’t demon cooties she was worried about.  If so
much as an inch of her skin brushed against Forneus, Ivy would be trapped in
millennia of nightmare visions, direct from Hell.  And that was one station I’m
sure she didn’t want to tune into, ever.  But here she was, holding one of her
blades to his throat.  Her gloved hand barely shook as she stared down the
    It was then that I realized the music had stopped.  In fact,
the entire club had gone silent as a grave, every single breathing patron
holding their collective breath.  I flicked my eyes around to see hundreds of
faeries, and even a few vamps, staring at Ivy’s blade where it dug into
Forneus’ throat.  The only movement was from a half dozen large ogres as they
pushed their way through the crowd.
    Heart racing like the dance music that should have been
playing, my hand tightened on the crossbow, and I thumbed off the safety.  Had
it been foolish to cock and load the bow before entering the club?  Probably,
but I was now happy that I had.  If the club’s bouncers turned on me and Ivy,
we’d go down fighting.
    A growling voice, preceded by a quick puff of air, warned me
of a newcomer to the fight.  I sucked in a shaky breath and turned to see a
griffin alight on top of the barstool Ivy had vacated.
    “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, human,” he said.
    The dog-sized creature had arrived before the other bouncers
by using its wings to fly over the crowded room.  Though smaller than the fast
approaching ogres, the griffin looked just as deadly.  An eagle head sporting a
hooked beak rested atop the body of a lion, claws and all.
    “Why not?” I asked, keeping my voice low.  “What’s going
    “You’ve threatened violence within the club’s walls,” the
griffin said.  “There will be no bloodshed here.  Club Nexus is neutral
ground.  If you wish to kill each other, take it outside.”
    “This is all a misunderstanding,” Forneus said, spreading
his hands wide.  “These lovely ladies weren’t threatening me Gregor,
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