Club Nexus (Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective)

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Book: Club Nexus (Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective) Read Online Free PDF
Author: E.J. Stevens
Forneus’ throat again in a second, and to hell with the consequences.  “Fine,
fine.  Until later, ladies.”
    With a wink and a bow, Forneus turned and slipped away into
the crowd, leaving an empty ache in my gut.  I put a hand to my stomach,
wishing my traitorous feelings would stop complicating my life.  Having the
hots for a sexy demon was not a problem I needed right now.
    “I don’t know what you see in him,” Ivy said.
    “What do you mean?” I asked.
    “Are you telling me you didn’t just stare at his butt like
it was a double-fudge brownie?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
    I shrugged and turned back to the bar.
    “You two need to figure things out soon, before someone gets
killed in the crossfire,” she said.
    “Figure what out?” I asked, staring at the colorful, glowing
bottles that lined the shelves behind the bar.
    “Like if you want to throw the guy into bed or an empty
grave,” she said.
    I sighed and picked at a drink coaster, crumpling bits of
confetti onto the ebony bar.  At least, I thought it was a coaster.  Up close
it resembled a dried out leaf.  Weirdo faeries.
    “I guess I want a bit of both,” I said, turning to Ivy.  She
groaned and squeezed her eyes shut.  “What?”
    “Just had an image of you humping the demon lawyer in a
graveyard,” she said.
    “Yeah, me too,” I said with a sigh.  I let my head drop into
my hands, elbows resting on the leaf strewn bar.  “I can’t decide if I need
brain bleach or a crate of condoms.  Heck, do demons have STDs?”
    “Mab’s bones, I don’t want to know,” she said, wrinkling her
nose.  “I don’t even know how you can stand the stench.”
    “You mean his cologne?” I asked.  I thought he
    “Is that what we’re calling it now?” she asked.  “He smells
like hellfire and brimstone.  It makes my sinuses burn.”
    “That’s weird,” I said.  “I’ve smelled that on him in the
past, but tonight I thought he smelled good.  Like he’d put on cologne and
swished with some kind of cinnamon mouthwash or like he’d been sucking on hot
balls.  No demon stench at all.”
    “You did not just say his breath, a demon’s breath, smelled
like hot balls,” she said.  Ivy slapped a gloved hand over her mouth, but her
eyes were laughing at me.
    “And I can’t believe you just went there,” I said,
chuckling.  “Who are you and what have you done with my prudish friend?  Which
reminds me, we still haven’t talked about you and Ceff.  I want to hear all
about the hot kelpie sex.”
    Ivy sighed.
    “I think we need those drinks,” she said.
    Our drinks still sat on the bar where Ivy had left them
before the Forneus drama.  She slid a pint glass toward me and raised her own
in mock salute.  I noticed that Ivy’s had a familiar chip in the side and
wondered how she’d talked the bartender into serving her in her own glass.  Who
knows, maybe weird requests like that weren’t that unusual around here.  They
did use dead tree droppings as coasters.
    “To girls’ night out,” I said, smiling.
    “May we survive it,” she replied.  Ivy knocked back her
drink and wiped her sleeve across her mouth.  “So, can we go home now?”
    “No way,” I said.  “I’m not going anywhere until I dance
with at least one decent guy.”
    “I was afraid of that,” she said.
    Ivy’s eyes continued to scan the room, always on the alert
for threats.  I followed her gaze, sizing up each eligible bachelor in the
place.  In a club this huge, you’d think there would be plenty of available
hotties, but a quick survey of the dance floor only made me want to go home and
hug my crossbow.
    “There’s got to be one man here who doesn’t want to eat my
face or plant mutant babies in my eyeballs,” I said.
    Ivy chuckled and shook her head.  I was exaggerating, a bit,
but there were some pretty freaky fae creatures here.  For every beautiful
faerie, there was something that looked like a monster
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