Claiming His Need
Sandman gave me a silent what the fuck look. I shook my head and kept my eyes on the older man as he led the way through tiled halls toward the rear of the monstrous house. Packs had rules and tended to stand on ceremony, yet the Valkoisus was not behaving in the way we expected. The lack of formality left me feeling a bit off balance.
    The Alpha—simply known as Wariksen, if I remembered correctly—chuckled darkly.  
    “The territory dispute is nothing compared to what these miscreants have done.” He led us into the kitchen, which opened to a massive great room with a ceiling three stories high. And a ton of glass and debris scattered about. Some kind of battle had taken place.
    Shadow beat me to the question that needed answering. “What the fuck happened here?”
    Glancing around the room, I nodded toward a woman in the corner. “Watch your mouth, gentlemen. There’s a lady present.”  
    Shadow ducked his head, that strict pack upbringing showing in his submissive posture. “My apologies, ma’am.”
    “None needed, Breed brothers.” The woman approached with grace, her gait long and her body lithe. Her white-blonde hair hung to her hips, and her blue eyes practically glowed against her pale skin as she regarded us with obvious interest. “I am Uuna, Alpha female of this pack. We must impose upon you to help us in more than a simple territory dispute, so your language is of no concern. You will find no censure from me.”
    I dipped my head, offering her my respect, as was custom in pack culture. At least one person was acting as I would have expected.  
    Uuna smiled. “Thank you, sir. My husband would prefer to offer the details of this morning.”
    “They came before dawn.” Wariksen looked at Sandman. “Six of them entered the house, but we scented more outside. The cowards snuck in after everyone was asleep. They must have been watching us to know when we bedded down for the night. My guards caught two of them down here. One made it past them, but the other was killed as my pack awoke.”
    I once again glanced around the destroyed room, taking in the broken furniture and glass scattered all over the floor. Someone had fought hard. Whether that someone was the dead nomad or one of the pack wolves remained to be seen.  
    “We will help you seek justice for your—”  
    “Fuck justice,” Wariksen interrupted me, spittle flying from his mouth. “They took three of our women from their beds. One mated wolf and a mated human, both staying here as they awaited the return of their husbands from a fishing trip.” He closed the space between us, his face a mask of pain and fury. “And they took my only daughter, the Omega of our pack. They have passed the point of justice. I want our women back, and I want the assholes who took them to die by my hands.”
    Shadow spun and strode out of the kitchen. There was no need for him to speak—I knew he was going to tell Magnus the change in situation. Females of any sort—mated or not, human or wolf—were to be honored and respected. Women who could deal with the animals within us were a rarity, even more so ones born to shift. The rarest of all was the female Omega, who brought a mystical strength and energy to the pack. To have two female shifters in one pack was a blessing. To have a shifter Omega was a gift of the utmost power.  
    And to have her taken by force was a crime punishable by death.
    I looked Wariksen in the eye. “We offer our assistance to retrieve the women kidnapped from your pack. The Feral Breed will not stand for such a blatant disregard for our customs.” I glanced around the room, taking in the Valkoisus contingent present. “What’s the plan?”
    “We are the Feral Breed. We follow no simple pack’s plan.” Magnus pounded into the kitchen, not even glancing at the Alpha. His tone held no respect, his declaration filled with derision. Knowing Magnus’ arrogant attitude toward one of the oldest packs in our territory was a
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