Claiming His Need
recipe for disaster, I stepped between the two men and addressed my so-called leader.
    “Perhaps we should listen to what Alpha War—”
    Magnus interrupted me by spitting on the floor. “You growing a pussy now, son?”  
    I snarled and pushed the little shit against the counter. “What did you say to me?”  
    “Easy, killer.” Always the strategist, Sandman wedged himself between us, directing his full attention to Wariksen as he pushed me away from my prey. “Do you have any idea where this other pack is holing up, or are we going to need to track them?”
    I fought against Sandman’s hold until he finally met my glare and shook his head. I knew what that look meant…not now. I would get my revenge on Magnus for the blatant insult, but we had Breed business to attend to first.  
    Fighting back the urge to rip Magnus’ head from his shoulders, I relaxed and nodded, giving Sandman the okay to release me.
    “They’re about fifteen miles northwest of here, hiding out in an abandoned copper mine.” Another wolf stepped next to the Alpha, obviously one of his sons. The two were nearly identical. Most humans probably thought they were brothers. “We have a couple of wolves patrolling the woods outside the mine and keeping an eye on the nomads. As soon as we’ve loaded up the weaponry, we’re rolling out.”
    “We should wait until nightfall.” Magnus grunted. “Our wolves will be more focused once the sun sets.”
    Wariksen crossed his arms and glared at Magnus in obvious disgust, the tension between the two making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.  
    “We’re going in now, as men. I will not risk the safety of our family by waiting a minute more than necessary. Those beasts brought guns into the camp, so we know they’re armed. We have enough firepower here to turn the peninsula into a real island, and we intend to use it to save our women.”
    Magnus growled deep in his chest, his eyes becoming more amber as his wolf responded to the Alpha before him. “We will fight with honor as wolves. Only cowards would go in with guns.”
    Wariksen and his son glared hard and stepped closer to Magnus.  
    “They have weapons and our women. I will not risk any of my pack on outdated posturing. If you want to go in as a wolf once the sun sets, fine. You and your little club can clean up the mess we make as we kill every last one of those fuckers who dared to step foot on Valkoisus territory.” Wariksen’s voice rose in volume, ending on a yell. His packmates chuffed and yipped their support of their Alpha.
    Magnus looked ready to explode, the hair on his arms and face growing as he lost control of his human form and began to shift right there in the kitchen.  
    “No one tells the Feral Breed what—”
    “Per Feral Breed regulations”—Shadow leaned against the counter, completely casual in the face of two powerful shifters about to rip each other apart—“we must bend to the direction of the leader of the pack to whom the women claim allegiance. The only caveats are if the decisions of said pack leader show grievous lack of planning, forethought, or could directly contribute to the death of a Feral Breed member.”
    Magnus spun faster than I’d ever seen him move and swung at Shadow. I took a step in their direction, but Shadow needed no help from me. He dropped his shoulder as I’d taught him and dodged the blow with a smoothness even I could envy. Magnus’ fist crashed instead through a cabinet door.
    “You know-it-all little pri—”
    “If the dick-measuring contest is complete”—Wariksen’s son put himself between Magnus and Shadow—“I’d like to get my mate back from these bastards. She’s human, for fuck’s sake.”  
    Magnus froze, glaring at the man. Interrupting a fight was a ballsy move, one I could only respect. Most shifters would have chosen to stay clear of a wolf as dominant as Magnus. Wariksen’s son, on the other hand, had the stones to confront him
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