musical beats later, the baby gave a fierce kick and Angel jumped. Willow’s laughter was infectious and Angel joined in, hoping the baby would kick once more. Angel didn’t notice the slowing of the carousel until an unknown deep voice blasted louder than their laughter.
“You can’t even take a punishment without getting into trouble.”
Angel jerked her hand away and looked into smiling eyes, softening even further as they traveled to Willow’s stomach.
“Is everything okay?” he asked, though didn’t seem concerned.
“Yes, I’ve found a new friend and we’re exchanging birthing stories.” Willow’s voice held just a touch of pique.
“Is that supposed to scare me off? You’ve never given birth, so your version will leave something to be desired.”
“Funny that you use that word. ‘Desire.’ I like that word.”
He shook his head and his grin widened as he looked to Angel. “Don’t let her get you into trouble. I’m keeping count of all her transgressions until after the baby’s born. She won’t be able to sit down for a month.”
“It’s not her getting my sub into trouble, it’s you. Why are you speaking with my sub when she’s off limits on the carousel?”
Willow’s husband turned then enveloped Zach in a strong hug before pushing back. “Zach, you devil, it’s great to see you.”
Zach laughed and pulled the other man close again, thumping him on the back. “Is this your wife? Damian’s sister?”
A strangled noise came from Willow and then she said icily, “Damian’s sister has a name and it’s Willow.”
Zach ignored her and just lifted an eyebrow at the other man. Angel seldom saw Zach or Monroe with other people. Their lives revolved around each other, but now she noticed a lightness in Zach’s eyes and realized they might be at the club for another reason than what she thought.
The other man laughed. “Forgive my wife. She’s getting away with murder right now and driving her Dom crazy.”
“Would your slave like to join me and Angel for a drink?” The humor in Zach’s gaze let them all know he was teasing.
“My slave needs a couch so she can rest her head in my lap. It’s the only sex I’ve received this past month.”
Willow smacked her husband on the arm, “That’s so not true.” She then made introductions. “This is my husband, Brandon.” She turned from Angel and spoke to Brandon, “I actually would prefer a couch. My back is killing me. But, I need the ladies room first.”
Brandon lifted Willow off the carousel like she weighed nothing. Willow looked at Angel. “I love when he goes all manly.”
“Two thousand six hundred and four,” Brandon said.
“Oh, I’m sorry if you enjoy counting my future punishments but you totally made that number up. I don’t have time to argue though, because I need to pee. Come on, Angel. Go with me, please.”
Angel looked to Zach, who put his hand out. She had no idea what he wanted.
“The leash.”
Her cheeks turned red as she handed it over.
“Go on, maybe you can keep her out of trouble.” Zach made a shooing motion with his hand. “We’ll meet you ladies at the bar.”
Chapter Seven
He and Monroe had never given Angel the gift of friendship outside their unorthodox family of driver, housekeeper, and the two of them. He’d watched Angel’s hand reverently touch Willow’s stomach and then heard her laughter over the low thudding music. It made his heart ache for the loneliness she must sometimes feel. He’d brought her here tonight because she needed to get out and so did he. Her abhorrence of the club was unfortunate, but it was one of the few places he felt complete acceptance. He wanted to see if some of her fears would dissipate with familiarity and sceneing while clothed.
He left her on the carousel so he could speak privately with Damian about possibly finding a female sub to befriend Angel. Brandon’s wife played right into his hands. Damian clued him in to