kicked and bucked her body, trying to dislodge him. “No, no, you’re killing her, please no.” The words tore from her throat.
Her screams eventually filled the room and he settled his body more firmly on hers. He’d never used Monroe’s technique to bring her out of night terrors, but he had to try. Pinching off her nose, he covered her mouth with his. She continued to struggle, and when he pulled away she gasped for air. He covered her mouth again and exhaled, pushing his breath deep into her lungs. “I’ve got you, baby, come back to me.” He did it again and felt her body go limp. “I’ve got you.”
Her ravaged eyes cleared and huge racking sobs filled the room.
“Shh, you’re okay. I’m here and I’m not leaving.” He spoke a jumble of soothing words while holding her tightly and letting her cry.
“I’m sorry,” she said between gulps for air.
“You shouldn’t be. We’re both strung fairly tight.”
“Do you miss him?”
He tried to deny it, but the lie wouldn’t pass his lips. Zach missed Monroe’s friendship and seeing him daily. “Yes.”
Her hands curled around his shoulders and he relaxed against her warmth. Even in the dark, he had trouble admitting his feelings, and part of him wasn’t sure exactly what those feelings were. They fell asleep a short time later. The next morning began with their run… another day that brought them closer to Monroe’s return.
“We’re going to the club on Saturday,” Zach said after Marguerite cleared their dinner dishes and placed small bowls of chocolate soufflé in front of them.
“And if I don’t wish to?” It was the first bratty thing she’d said since her nightmare.
“I’ll only go harder on you.” He took a bite while watching her closely.
“I’m expecting cramps this weekend.”
He knew her body better than his own and by his quick calculation she wasn’t making it up. “I’ll work around them.”
“You are kidding… right?” Her large eyes shot daggers.
“No, I’m not kidding. Your cramps don’t incapacitate you and I’d planned to allow you to wear some of your gauzy clothes, but I’m quickly changing my mind.” His lips set in a tight line after he completed the sentence. He lifted a spoon full of thick, rich chocolate to his mouth, letting her know the discussion was over.
“I love you.”
That stopped his spoon mid-lift. “Did that work with Monroe?”
Zach laughed and then continued eating his dessert. He watched her squirm while eating only half her bowl and knew she craved a release outlet. “I think my baby has needs.” He winked.
Her long eyelashes swept down and then lifted. “I hate you.”
He laughed the entire way to the dungeon, deciding to grant them both a bit of relief before they went to bed.
Chapter Six
She didn’t care for the club. It wasn’t just Club El Diablo, it was any BDSM club. It went against her upbringing, which was actually funny. Angel’s family would have her blood on their hands if they knew she lived. It would be an honor killing to avenge her rape and torture at the hands of the men who, through no fault of her own, defiled her. The wives of her dead husband orchestrated her sale into human slave trafficking after his passing. Her biological family would feel sadness over her death, but do their duty. Their attitude would change if they knew she willingly gave her body to two men. It wouldn’t matter that she loved them both. Her death under those conditions wouldn’t be quick.
Looking around the club, she knew she shouldn’t carry the burdens of a religion she forsook, but seeing the scantily clad or naked men and women made her cringe.
Sir granted two favors. She wore a long, gauzy dress minus underclothes and wore Master’s collar with leash grasped within Sir’s strong hand. He gave her license to use high protocol, though she knew it made him uncomfortable. They’d showered and dressed in Master’s hotel apartment