dicked me with his tongue and vibrated his whole mouth all over my clit.
I ain't gonna lie. I was still a virgin, but after all that hot tongue I was aching to feel something thick pounding inside my pussy, and as soon as I came I tried to pull Sonny on top of me, ready to give up everything I had. But he stood up and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth.
“Uh-uh. I ain't got no rubbers on me. Besides, I didn't come in here to fuck you no way. I just wanted to see what that candy tasted like.”
I lay there in the darkness trying to catch my breath as my body convulsed over and over with the memory of his lips. For the first time in my life my sexual cravings were completely satisfied, and let's face it. What female you know can get her pussy licked once and not want it licked again? Sonny's tongue-down had become the high point of my life, and from then on out it would become a requirement for every guy who even thought about climbing on top of me. See, I'd finally found something that gave me just as much joy as singing, and I decided right then and there that any man who wanted to sample a piece of Candy would have to be a candy licker.
Chapter 3
The Hungry Years
N icky Gabriano was a cool Italian guy. His family was tied to flower shops and bakeries and a whole lot of other lame businesses that were nothing but fronts to cover up how they really made their money: importing street drugs and washing dirty money.
I was hungry as hell the first time I met Nicky. Daddy had been dead for years and I was scared Mama might be sick too. She looked so bad and had lost so much weight that she couldn't even find a nightclub that would let her dance. Her skin had turned damn near gray, and clumps of her beautiful Indian hair were dusting the floor all over our apartment.
Things were getting critical 'cause Mama was having a real hard time bringing in any money at all, so in desperation she hooked up with this skinny junkie named Doc and started dragging me out on the streets with them to use as bait for unsuspecting tricks.
“Can't we take the night off just this one time?” I was whining one night as she pushed me down the street in front of her. Wewere walking toward a busy avenue and even though it was still pretty early the streets were already live. Mama and I were out alone this time 'cause Doc had gotten busted buying horse from an undercover officer and was locked up. Tonight I had a bad feeling in my stomach that I knew wasn't just from hunger. Doc was an old-school junkie who shot dope in his shriveled-up little dick. As much as I hated him at least he carried a gun and could protect us from the fools we tried to stick up every night.
“Shut up, Candy!” Mama yelled. “Just do what the hell I tell you to do.”
“But Mama,” I said, pushing my hair out of my eyes. She always made me wear my hair out at night, and my thick, wavy red curls hung halfway down my back. “We don't know nothin about this neighborhood. What if something goes down? Maybe we should wait on Doc since he's the one with the gun.”
Mama grabbed my arm and dragged me across the street to an empty corner. “Fuck Doc! I got me my own fuckin’ weapon! Don't nothing but white folks live over here anyway, so it's safe. Besides. Lovely Bird Montana don't wait on
nigger! How the hell you think I was making money before Doc's raggedy ass showed up? Don't be so goddamn stupid, Candy! If you wait around on a man to turn a dollar, you'll forever be broke.”
I wanted to ask Mama why she didn't just step out in the street and show her own damn titties, but I already knew the answer. She was too sick, and plus mine were better. They were big and firm and they sat straight up in the air. “I killed my titties breast-feeding you and Caramel,” Mama said like she was reading my mind. “That's how much I sacrificed for you two. My titties use'ta look ten times better than yours, but y'allneeded some milk and I was the cow! Don't be so